The child does not breathe a nose, there is no snot

Nasal congestion in the child does not go unnoticed. If it arose suddenly, then parents tend to expect the appearance of snot and other signs of a cold or viral illness. However, the latter are not always in a hurry to dispel the doubts of the mothers. In the end, worried about the state of the toddler, adults start to get confused as to why the child does not breathe through the nose, and snot does not. Let's talk about the most probable causes of what is happening.

Causes of nasal congestion

A similar condition can occur at any age, but in any case it causes discomfort and fear. Among the many causes of nasal congestion in the absence of visible snot, the most common are:

  1. Features of infants. If you notice that the newborn child does not breathe through the nose, and there is no sniff, make sure that the baby's air and hygiene are adequate. Often happens that excessively dry air contributes to the drying of the mucus which is not yet completely formed to the end, resulting in the formation of crusts that prevent the free passage of air. Stabilize the condition with a normal home air humidifier, regular wet cleaning and the correct temperature regime. It is also necessary to clean the nasal passages of the crumb with cotton flagelles soaked in oil, you can soften the crusts with saline solutions, and then gently remove, again with the help of all the same flagella.
  2. Rhinitis of various etiologies. In such cases, the snot may appear in a few days, and may even go unnoticed, as they will flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx. Without secretions, as a rule, there is an allergic rhinitis. Therefore, if you notice that the child does not breathe a nose, with a question what to do and what to treat, it is better to consult a doctor. Sometimes enough to eliminate the allergen, but with infectious rhinitis requires complex therapy.
  3. Adenoids. Another child's misfortune, which prevents babies from breathing freely. By the way, with such a diagnosis, mothers leave the doctor, who were more interested in the question of why the baby does not breathe through the nose at night. The increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsil occurs after an inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract. The clinical picture of the disease is usually supplemented by night snoring and coughing, constantly open mouth, lethargy and apathy of the baby, which suffers from nasal congestion and lack of oxygen. Less often in the background of adenoids, the child's hearing and appetite worsen, and headaches appear. Treatment in this case is appointed by the doctor, if the adenoids are in order increased and significantly reduce the quality of life, they are removed.
  4. Polyps. Benign formation on the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. Symptomatic growth of polyps is similar to the picture that we see in inflammation of the tonsils, but the disease itself is fraught with more unpleasant consequences: curvature of the jaw and chest, delayed development, frequent infectious diseases. Therefore, if you see that the child does not breathe a nose, do not need to guess what to do and what to treat, it is better to contact a qualified specialist in a timely manner in order to refute or confirm fears.
  5. Curvature of the nasal septum. As a rule, does not appear spontaneously and also requires timely diagnosis.
  6. Foreign body. If the kid has managed to "hide" a small detail in the nose, as a rule, labored breathing is observed in one nostril. At shallow penetration it is possible to try to pull out a foreign body independently, otherwise the help of the expert is required.