Irs 19 for children

The immunomodulating broad-spectrum drug irs 19 is actively used to treat children, since it is absolutely safe. It is available in the form of an intranasal spray that acts only within the nasal mucosa and practically does not penetrate the body.

Irs 19 - composition

The active substance of the drug is bacterial lysate, which stimulates phagocytosis and enhances the activity of immunoglobulins, due to which there is a persistent preventive effect.

Irs 19 - indications for use

In addition, the drug is often prescribed for children with weak immunity for the prevention of recurrence of the aforementioned diseases. Despite safety, irs 19 is not prescribed for children under 3 months of age, because at this age the specialists categorically do not recommend stimulation of immunity.

Irs 19 - how to apply?

Spray does not give an immediate effect, as, for example, vasoconstrictor, widely used in the common cold: nasivin, otrivin and others. If it is used for a long time and the corresponding recommendations of the doctor are observed, there is a pronounced positive dynamics: the swelling of the nasal mucosa disappears, breathing is facilitated, and the amount of secretion decreases.

The dosage of the drug is determined solely by the doctor, depending on the patient's condition and purpose of use, whether it is treatment or prevention, but there are general schemes for the use of a spray for children.

So, for the prevention of diseases, babies over three months are prescribed one injection each nostril twice a day for two weeks. In the acute course of the disease - a severe runny nose, up to 5 injections per day is permissible. It is noteworthy that the drug is not addictive even with prolonged and repeated use.

Irs 19 - contraindications

Do not prescribe the drug to children with:

Side Effects

Irs 19 - expiration date

The drug is stored for 3 years at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C, it is unacceptable to heat the bottle above 50 ° C.