Ectopic pregnancy - operation

An abnormal dislocation of a fertilized egg outside the uterus cavity is called an ectopic pregnancy, the operation is inevitable in this case, since alternative methods of its treatment are not fully understood and can very badly affect the subsequent possibility of having children.

How is ectopic pregnancy removed?

Just need to tune in the procedure for cleaning. Very often it ends with the removal of the uterine tube. It happens that doctors can perform an ectopic operation using cosmetic measures, when the uterine tube freed from the fetal egg recovers and can later perform its reproductive functions.

With tube ectopic pregnancy, removal of the tube is inevitable. If there is an ovarian pregnancy, then it is necessary to separate that part of the ovary where the fetal egg was implanted. A necked interrupted ectopic pregnancy leads to a complete withdrawal of the uterus, and the abdominal - to the extraction of a fertilized egg from the abdominal cavity.

Operation to remove ectopic pregnancy

At the moment this procedure is performed by removing the tube with the attached egg through the abdominal wall. The saving of the organ subjected to surgery, the application of ligatures, and the cleaning of the pregnant tube are ineffective, and sometimes even dangerous, actions. They can provoke the secondary appearance of ectopic pregnancy and more severe complications. Sometimes doctors suggest removing the second tube, in order to exclude the re-occurrence of this pathology. This opinion is unreasonable and requires serious medical confirmation.

Ectopic pregnancy - treatment after surgery

Rehabilitation after this procedure is very long and is under the vigilant supervision of doctors. It is required to restore the water-salt balance back to normal after heavy bleeding, to restore reproductive abilities by preventing the process of adhesions, taking hormonal preparations, etc. After operation of an ectopic pregnancy it is recommended to observe a strict diet and to eat small portions. Also very effective are methods of physiotherapy and the intake of contraceptives. Removing the ectopic pregnancy requires the patient to stay in the hospital for a week and remove the superficial seams from the abdomen.

Sex after surgery to remove ectopic

A very common question among patients and their partners. Proceeding from the urgent recommendations of doctors, to enter into sexual relations is at least a month. The presence of complications prolongs this period until complete recovery. Ignoring these tips is fraught with infection and the onset of inflammatory processes.

Interruption of ectopic pregnancy requires a woman to avoid fertilization for at least half a year after the procedure, which will help prevent the re-emergence of the diagnosis and will allow the body to gain strength for fully carrying the child.

Abortion with ectopic pregnancy, it is also called tubal abortion, is performed at the initial time, when not more than 3 months have elapsed from the moment of attachment. After this, the expulsion of the remains is noted by contraction of the muscles of the uterus and the vagina. In time, the diagnosed frozen ectopic pregnancy makes it possible to perform the procedure of laparoscopy and preservation of the uterine tube.

Ectopic pregnancy after the operation to remove the fallopian tubes and other interference in the reproductive system, gives a very high percentage of recurrence. The impregnation and the process of attaching the fetal egg to the subsequent "interesting" position should be under the watchful eye of the obstetrician-gynecologist.