Toxicosis and sex of the child

Every future mother from the earliest time of pregnancy is extremely interested in who "lives" in her tummy. Some dream about a boy, others - about a girl.

Since ancient times, preceding the invention of the omniscient ultrasound apparatus, there are many signs, beliefs and signs concerning the sex of the unborn child. Severe toxicosis has also always been a pretext for trying to predict who will be born - a boy or a girl.

It is believed that the toxicosis of pregnancy in the girl is noted more often, it is more prolonged, and often exhausts the expectant mother. Many mothers who gave birth to girls complained about the inability to eat anything in the morning during the first trimester. But this is not an absolute law.

Toxicosis per boy is usually either much shorter or nonexistent.

But often there is toxicosis and pregnancy in a boy, and a complete absence of toxicosis during pregnancy by a girl. Many women who have given birth note some relationship between the child's blood group and toxicosis. According to their observations, severe toxicosis occurs with different blood groups of the mother and fetus, but with the same Rh factor. That is, it is not a Rh-conflict between the mother and the fetus.

Also, many women noted that the first pregnancy occurs more often with less toxicosis than the second. This fact is difficult to relate to anything.

What else will tell the myths of toxicosis?

There are a number of other signs associated with toxicosis. It is believed that the toxicosis of the girl is due to the intrauterine conflict of the future mother and daughter - supposedly, they simply can not get along side by side. If, as such, no toxicosis is manifested, then there will be a boy. This is based on the assumption that boys even before their birth show their chivalry and do not give the future mother trouble.

However, it should be noted that in itself a strong toxicosis occurs in only 30% of pregnant women, and this does not mean that the remaining 70% give birth to boys. This assumption is more a coincidence than a regularity.

However, scientists at the University of California have tried to prove the relationship between the toxicosis and the sex of the child. They observed more than 4000 future mothers with toxicosis and found out that 56% of them had girls and 44% had boys. Is it worth taking into account so close to each other indicators? - The probability with rounding, as before, is 50:50, which is a regularity. But on this scientists decided not to stop.

In all of the above, it is obvious that the method of determining the sex of a future child based on the nature of Mom toxicity can not be considered reliable.