Child with Down Syndrome

Down's syndrome is not a disease, but a genetic anomaly that leads to significant changes in the body. He is not being treated. That is why it is more correct to say "syndrome", and not "illness".

Syndrome involves a set of specific characteristics and characteristics. His name he received thanks to a British doctor, the first time he described - John L. Down. Down syndrome is a very common anomaly. With him is born about 1 child out of 700. Now thanks to the methods of diagnosing pregnant women this figure is slightly less, 1: 1000. The only way to find out whether a child has a chromosomal abnormality is to do a fluid analysis from the umbilical cord. All mothers who are in the risk zone, it is recommended to do it.

Newborn baby with Down syndrome

Experienced doctors of children can determine such from the first days of life. They are distinguished by a number of characteristic features.

Signs of a Down's Child:

As a rule, a child with Down syndrome has internal anomalies. The most frequent among them:

However, the final diagnosis is made only after the results of the analysis on the number of chromosomes. It is carried out by a geneticist.

For the most part, children with Down syndrome lag behind in their development from their peers. It used to be that such children are mentally retarded. But now this is being talked about less and less. > Indeed, the development of the baby Down is slow, but they are the same children as everyone else. And their successful entry into life depends on how close people will react to this with understanding.

Why are the children of Downa born?

Down syndrome appears as a result of gene disorders, in which in every cell of the body there is an extra chromosome. In healthy children, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in the cells (total 46). One part goes to the child from the mother, the other from the pope. A child with Down syndrome in 21 pairs of chromosomes has an extra unpaired chromosome, so this phenomenon is called trisomy. This chromosome can be obtained from both the sperm and the egg during fertilization. As a result, when dividing an oocyte with trisomy, each subsequent cell also contains an extra chromosome. In total, 47 chromosomes appear in each cell. Its presence affects the development of the whole organism and the health of the child.

In general, the children of Downa are born from, until the end is not known. Experts note a number of factors in which this syndrome occurs much more often.

The reasons for the birth of a Down's child:

  1. Age of parents. The older the parents, the higher the probability of having a child with Down syndrome. Mother's age is from 35, father - from 45.
  2. Hereditary genetic characteristics of parents. For example, in the cells of the parents, 45 chromosomes, i.e. 21 is attached to the other and can not be seen.
  3. Closely related marriages.

Recent studies by Ukrainian scientists have shown that solar activity can affect the appearance of a gene anomaly. It is noted that the time of conception of children with Down syndrome is preceded by high solar activity. Perhaps, it is no accident that these children are called solar. However, when the fact is already done, it does not really matter why a child with Down's syndrome was born. You have to understand that he is the same person. And close people should help him enter into adulthood.

Development of a Child with Down Syndrome

Of course, parents who have a child with Down's syndrome will not have a hard time. Fortunately, now fewer parents leave such children. And, on the contrary, they accept this situation, and do everything possible and impossible to raise a happy person.

Such a child necessarily needs medical supervision. It is necessary to identify whether there are any congenital malformations, concomitant diseases. Doctors can prescribe special drugs that can reduce the impact of the syndrome.

Parents often care about how many children live in Downa. On average, their life expectancy is 50 years.

A child with Down syndrome develops more slowly. He later begins to hold the head (by three months), sit (by the year), walk (to two years). But these terms can be reduced if you do not pull and ask for help from specialists.

Of course, in our country now for these children are not created the best conditions. In addition, the prejudices of people prevent such children from visiting gardens and schools. However, in many cities there are rehabilitation centers, special pre-school institutions are organized.

The parents of the child should make every effort to ensure full communication with children, attend collective lessons and holidays, etc.

As a rule, for such children an individual program of studies is made, which includes:

  1. Special gymnastics. It is necessary for the formation of motor abilities. Gymnastics should be started at an early age and done daily. As the child grows up, the complex of exercises changes.
  2. Massage is an effective means of child rehabilitation. Promotes the overall improvement and development of the child.
  3. Games with the child: finger, active. Collective games are very important.
  4. Learning the alphabet and account.
  5. Reading and memorizing by heart poems, singing songs, etc.

The main task is to maximally prepare a child with Down's syndrome for independent life. Do not isolate it from society, do not hide it in four walls. Love and care will help him to go through all the difficulties and live a full life.