Soup-puree for children

From childhood we were taught that there must be a "first" for dinner - soup, borsch, rassolnik and so on. But recently more and more conflicting opinions have appeared on this issue. Some pediatricians strongly believe that soup should be in the child's diet every day, others do not see a problem in that the child refuses the first dish. In any case, the decision on what to feed the children, take only parents.

What is useful soup for children?

The main advantage of soups is that the meat, fish or vegetable broth on which it is cooked contains active substances that cause appetite and, as a result, promote better digestion and assimilation of food. Less aggressive are children's soups-mashed potatoes - they do not cause secretion and thus do not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines due to its delicate creamy consistency. In addition, they do not need to be chewed, so properly cooked soup-purée is suitable even for babies.

Soup recipes for children

Pumpkin cream soup for children

Pumpkin is extremely useful, in addition to the numerous vitamins and minerals it contains dietary fiber, which helps to improve digestion, so this soup is recommended to enter the diet from 8 months.



Vegetables should be cleaned, washed and cut into small cubes. Pour cold water and cook until cooked - until the carrot and pumpkin become soft. Water to merge and grate vegetables through a sieve or to grind with the help of a blender. Add salt, warmed cream and butter, mix thoroughly until smooth.

Vegetable soup puree for children

The recipe for this soup can vary depending on the child's age, season and availability of vegetables. If you cook this delicious and nutritious soup on the "basic" recipe, then you can give it almost from the very beginning of complementary feeding.



Vegetables are washed, brushed, cut into small pieces. Water in a saucepan bring to a boil, then add vegetables to it, cook under the lid until ready for about 15 minutes. In the prepared soup, add the yolk and grind until blended with a blender. Egg in soup can be added every other day and alternate with butter.