Cottage cheese casserole - recipe

Our recipes cottage cheese casserole certainly will like the supporters of healthy food and lovers of delicious dessert. After all, this dish perfectly combines the benefits and magnificent delicate taste.

A simple recipe for a delicious curd casserole



Chicken eggs whisk together with the addition of granulated sugar until a homogeneous lush mass, using a mixer or whisk. Next, we savor the sweet egg mass with salt, vanilla sugar. Add the grated crock through a strainer or beaten cottage cheese, spread the sour cream, previously steamed with a small amount of boiled water, semolina, and mix well.

We grease the form generously with vegetable oil, tear with semolina and put in it the prepared curd mass. Let's brew for about fifteen minutes and place in a preheated to 185 degrees oven. Let the casserole blush for thirty minutes, and then cool and serve to the table, cutting into portions.

Cottage cheese casserole with apples - recipe in microwave oven



Parmesan let's go through the grater, add egg whipped with sugar, sour cream and mix. Cottage cheese grinded through a strainer or smashed with a blender to smoothness and mixed with semolina, spread to a cheese-sour mixture, add to taste vanilla sugar, a pinch of soda and mix. We spread the resulting mass into a container suitable for cooking in a microwave oven, level the surface and place the lobules of the previously cleaned and chopped apples from above. Cover the dishes with a lid and cook the casserole for ten minutes at high power. Then we rub out a little bit of sugar and grated cheese and put it in the microwave again. In five minutes the casserole will be completely ready.

Recipe for cooking curd and carrot baby casserole



First of all, we prepare the carrot base for the casserole, for this we clean and let the carrot fruits through the grater, add it to the saucepan or saucepan, pour in the milk, add sugar, salt, butter, cover it and let it sit over moderate heat, stirring, until soft. Let the carrot weight cool down a bit, and punch it with a blender to make a mash. Then add semolina, again warm the mixture to a boil and let it stand at the lowest heat for about five to seven minutes. Remove the dishes from the fire and when a little cool, we intervene whipped egg yolks and leave until completely cooled.

In the meantime, we punch cottage cheese with a blender or grind it over a fine strainer to obtain a smooth consistency, and turn the proteins into a thick foam with a mixer.

We lead the curd and protein mass to the cooled carrot and mix gently. Try the taste and, if desired, add more sugar and mix again.

The dishes for baking are smeared with butter, we tinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs, we put into it the prepared curd-carrot mixture and level it. Determine the dish in a preheated to 185 degrees oven and leave for thirty-five minutes or until the desired degree of rudeness.

On readiness we give the casserole to cool and serve with sour cream. This dish will appeal not only to kids. Adults will also be pleasantly surprised by its delicious and delicate taste.