Can I get pregnant not in days of ovulation?

The onset of pregnancy for most women is a very welcome and exciting moment. As you know, everything begins with the process of fertilization of a mature egg, released from the follicle. This period is favorable for conception. But what if a woman does not know when ovulation occurs, can not she get pregnant during her time? Let's try to answer this question.

Is conception possible before or after ovulation?

Doctors on this question give an unambiguous, negative answer. After all, this fact is obvious: if there is no mature egg, then there is nothing to fertilize spermatozoa. However, it should be said that you can still get pregnant on the day of ovulation. In this case, conception, or rather fertilization, is possible only after ovulation, but not before.

The thing is that about 24-48 hours after the release from the follicle, the mature egg still retains its viability. Therefore, if sexual intercourse was just a few days before ovulation, the chances of conceiving a child exist. And sex can be and for 5 days prior to day of an exit of an ootid, - the sperm which have got to female reproductive organs during the sexual certificate live so much.

How to know the time of ovulation?

Having figured out whether it is possible to get pregnant not in the days of ovulation, it is necessary to say that a woman in order to avoid conception must know exactly when a given kind of process takes place in her body.

To establish this fact, most of the fair sex are keeping a diary, which notes the values ​​of basal temperature. An increase in this indicator around the middle of the cycle indicates an ovulatory process. Those same girls who do not want to engage in long-term measurements, use the test for ovulation, which literally for a week allows you to install it.

However, every woman must take into account that the process of release of the egg from the follicle itself is very influenced by external factors (physical activity, stress, climate change, etc.), so it may occur somewhat earlier or, on the contrary, later than the established time .

Thus, it can be said that the answer to the question as to whether it is possible to become pregnant not during the period of ovulation is always negative. However, a woman must necessarily take into account such parameters as the life span of spermatozoa and eggs, without which fertilization is simply impossible.