With PMS - premenstrual syndrome - about 75% of women are facing, and 5% of this symptom complex has a pronounced character and causes a reduced performance, problems in family life. Consider what is associated with PMS, the symptoms, the possibilities of relief and the methods of treating this pathology.
Premenstrual syndrome - what is this in women?
What is the PMS in girls and women, not only interested in the fair sex themselves, but also men who have certainly heard these "three terrible letters", but do not fully understand the essence and causes of the phenomenon. This term refers to a set of unpleasant symptoms that some women experience every month before the onset of menstruation.
When does premenstrual syndrome begin?
It can not be said for sure, PMS for how many days before the month begins. This complex symptom complex, characterized by a certain cyclicity, is subject to the individual menstrual cycle of a particular woman, a girl. Thus, in some people, the onset of discomfort manifestations is observed 2-3 days before the "red days", in others - earlier, for 5-7-10 days.
How long does the premenstrual syndrome last?
The duration of PMS in women is very different, not only in time before the onset of menstruation. In some cases, the symptomatology stops annoying immediately, as soon as menstruation begins, in other cases the syndrome lasts until the end of the critical days. In addition, in a number of women, PMS has symptoms and within a few days after the termination of menstruation. It is noticed that in the older age there is a more severe symptomatology and a prolonged course of premenstrual syndrome.
Causes of premenstrual syndrome
Women's malaise before critical days has long been studied by doctors, and if the healers previously associated it with the lunar phases, then at the moment the veils of secrecy are slightly opened. At the same time, no modern research can give the exact reasons why premenstrual syndrome occurs. There are only theories of its appearance, some of which connect PMS with violation of water-salt balance, others - with allergic reactions (to progesterone), others - with psychosomatic phenomena, etc.
Most adherents of the hormonal theory of the appearance of the symptomatic complex under consideration. According to it, PMS is associated with fluctuations of the hormonal background in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, as well as with the peculiarities of the metabolism of sex hormones in the central nervous system. This causes different disturbances on the part of the vegetative, nervous, endocrine and other systems.
In addition, there are a number of factors, in the presence of which the risk that signs of premenstrual syndrome in women appear, multiplies. These include:
- accommodation in a metropolis;
- brainwork;
- lack of physical activity;
- low body weight;
- stress;
- absence of pregnancy;
- frequent pregnancies;
- gynecological surgery;
- craniocerebral trauma, etc.
Premenstrual syndrome - symptoms
Depending on how the premenstrual syndrome manifests itself, it is classified into four clinical forms. Consider what symptoms of PMS in women are inherent in each of these forms:
The nervous-psychic form is the most common, it affects more than 40% of women with this pathology. The main manifestations include:
- emotional excitability (short temper, irritability, aggressiveness);
- depressiveness;
- resentment;
- tearfulness;
- strong weakness;
- numbness of limbs;
- excessive sensitivity to sounds, smells;
- flatulence;
- breast engorgement.
The cephalgic form is the second most common, characterized by often severe course, acute relapses. It shows such signs:
- headaches (often pulsating, localized in the temporal region);
- dizziness;
- pain in the heart;
- unmotivated depressive state;
- swelling of the mammary glands;
- increased sweating .
Edema is associated with fluid retention in the tissues of the body at the final stage of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the prevailing symptoms are as follows:
- swelling of the face;
- swelling of the hands and feet;
- sweating;
- breast tenderness;
- bloating;
- itching;
- general weakness.
The cirrus form is a rare but extremely severe course of PMS, which is characterized by evening or night attacks with the following symptoms:
- increased blood pressure ;
- headache;
- numbness of hands and feet;
- shiver;
- a feeling of tightness in the chest;
- irregular heartbeat;
- the appearance of fear of death;
- strong urge to urinate with copious urination.
The listed symptomatology occurs with PMS on the background of the absence of any organic pathology and practically disappears after some time. In addition, there are atypical forms of the syndrome, and often women report the appearance of such symptoms:
- drowsiness;
- insomnia;
- abdominal pain;
- increased body temperature;
- vomiting;
- lack of appetite;
- increased appetite, etc.
How to distinguish premenstrual syndrome from pregnancy?
In some cases, the appearance of uncomfortable symptoms makes a woman think about what is behind them - PMS or pregnancy. At conception, such manifestations can be felt, as well as before menstruation, and they can appear approximately at the same time of the cycle. Determining the difference is not easy, but it is possible. Pay attention to the duration of the symptomatology - when pregnancy occurs, unusual symptoms are observed for a long period, and not for several days, as with PMS.
Express all kinds of doubt will help express tests and tests for pregnancy. When more than 5 weeks have passed since the last menstrual period, it is possible to determine whether a conception has occurred, using a home test strip immersed in a portion of urine. After 4-5 days after the delay in menstruation, it is permissible to donate blood to determine pregnancy, which is a more sensitive method.
PSI pain
Signs of PMS in most cases include pains of different localization and intensity, which can be felt in isolation or present in the complex. Often this is:
- headache;
- tenderness of the mammary glands;
- pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
- drawing pains in the lumbar region.
PMS - what to do?
Treatment of premenstrual syndrome is required if symptoms of PMS significantly affect life activity, cause serious physical discomfort, spoil relations with others. To establish the diagnosis and differentiate it with other pathologies, the doctor will need to carefully study the patient's history. The periodicity of seizures in PMS, their connection to the menstrual cycle is of paramount importance. For diagnostic purposes, the following can be assigned:
- a blood test for sex hormones in two phases of the cycle;
- mammography;
- electroencephalography;
- consultation of a neurologist;
- examination of a psychiatrist;
- control of the amount of urine being separated;
- control of blood pressure, etc.
How to relieve premenstrual syndrome?
When there is premenstrual syndrome, the symptoms in adolescents and in adult women can vary significantly and have different intensity, but in any case, you can at least slightly improve the condition at home. To do this, you need to adjust your lifestyle. Use the following recommendations, trying to observe them not only in premenstrual days, but always:
- Ensure a full sleep.
- Minimize the amount of stress.
- Monitor the level of mental load.
- Increase daily physical activity (walk more, go in for sports, dance, etc.).
- Refuse bad habits.
- Minimize the use of caffeinated beverages.
- Limit the use of salt.
- Have sex regularly.
- Eliminate sudden changes in climatic conditions.
- Take vitamin and mineral complexes in the course.
How to get rid of premenstrual syndrome?
In the issue of how to treat premenstrual syndrome, good results are shown by non-drug methods, among which:
- massage;
- medical baths;
- air baths;
- aerobic exercise.
A certain role is played by relaxation sessions, yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, aromatherapy. These techniques simultaneously help to relieve physical stress, normalize the psychoemotional state. There are special complexes of asanas used for various forms and symptoms of PMS. Experienced you can find that way to prevent or reduce the unpleasant phenomena that helps best.
Premenstrual syndrome - treatment, drugs
With painful manifestations of PMS, symptomatic medication can be recommended. Depending on the form that premenstrual syndrome acquires, the drugs are prescribed the following:
- with pain attacks - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics (Ibuprofen, Nimesulid , No-shpa, Spazmalgon);
- with puffiness - diuretics ( Veroshpiron , Spironolactone);
- with the predominance of the psychoemotional component - antidepressants (Sertralin, Cipramil);
- with hormonal insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle - hormonal drugs (Dyufaston, Medroxyprogesterone).
People's remedies for PMS
Traditional medicine offers not one effective remedy for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, and phytopreparations take a special place in the list of methods. Many herbs have a multidirectional effect, affecting various parts of the body and significantly alleviating discomfort. We offer one of the good recipes that help to remove soreness, reduce nervousness and establish sleep.
The recipe for tea
- Melissa herb - 2 teaspoons. spoons;
- water - 1 glass.
Preparation and use:
- Pour the raw material with boiling water.
- Leave it under the lid for 20-30 minutes.
- Strain.
- Use instead of tea (you can sweeten with honey).