14 Reasons Why You Should Join a Drama Circle

And let no one else say that it's wasted years!

1. It perfectly trains the skills of public speaking.

The need to speak to people teaches you to do it much better. The ability to control loudness, diction, intonation and pitch of your voice will be useful in any career. And at the same time you will learn not to worry too much because of unsuccessful performances.

2. And also the ability to work in a team.

The theater teaches us to work and look for compromises with a team of very different people, otherwise the show will not take place. People in the theater know that every member of the team is valuable, not just the stars.

3. Increases the ability to empathy.

Studying your character for several months of rehearsals is a unique experience that is difficult to obtain in other circumstances. With a head immersed in the character, you begin to better understand people who are not like you.

4. You learn to cope well with stress.

If you can perfectly play the performance, when everything goes wrong, you can solve any difficult stressful situation at work. You will treat it much more calmly, because you already know that the result is worth the nerves spent.

5. It increases self-confidence.

The theatrical environment is unique in that it makes it possible to be strange, to try new and to play the fool in a good way. Allow yourself to be yourself - a skill that in the real world has not everyone. But the people who own this, tend to achieve greater success.

6. But also learns modesty.

Life in the theater is not always sweet. You learn to get a real assessment, criticism, and should treat it with understanding and listen. You learn to accept your weaknesses and work on them, not taking everything too close to your heart.

7. And the ability to lose.

Anyone who at least once has not received the desired role, feels unjustly offended. Adult life is also full of ups and downs - sometimes you may not get the job or apartment of your dreams. But you already know how to come to your senses after failures and you know that you will definitely get what you want, even if not immediately.

8. You learn to do the job exactly by the deadline.

Being part of the play teaches you (and even forces) to come onstage on time, whether you are ready or not. It's great to train efficiency and time management skills.

9. This is a guaranteed way to learn to read meaningfully.

The theater is good because the same text can be read and interpreted in completely different ways. You learn to analyze the text, because you need to lose everything that is written, and not just read.

10. You start to understand the literature better.

The study of theatrical art is directly connected with the study of the great works of world literature. And even if your future activity is not directly related to literature and art, a broad outlook will not interfere in any field of activity.

11. It makes you more charismatic.

Rehearsals with the need to constantly talk and watch the performances of colleagues improve the skills of social interaction. Plus, apart from the speeches themselves, life in the theater is based on constant communication with a lot of people involved in the work.

12. Pumps memory and memorization skills.

It's not just about memorizing the text. The development of their own techniques and techniques for quick memorization, the ability to work in multi-tasking mode on the stage - all this will help in the future, with study, with work, and generally with the organization of life.

13. Physical activity is a habit.

The theater often includes dancing, dragging props and installing sets, that is, quite a serious physical load. But all this brings pleasure, therefore you remain in excellent shape, without putting additional efforts.

14. It teaches you to be a professional.

The Children's Theater is the first experience of quite adult professionalism. You have to make a good impression, express enthusiasm, try, find compromises, keep emotions under control, support colleagues and respect the leadership. All these skills you should have in adult life, if you are planning a serious career.