What vitamins are better for taking in the winter?

The question of which vitamins are best taken in the winter, usually worries those who suffer from weakened immunity, notes hair loss, scaling of the skin and other unpleasant symptoms. However, in the cold season, when we turn to a monotonous and not always healthy food, every person should think about vitamins, so that the body can continue an easy, correct and harmonious work.

What vitamins are needed in the winter?

The needs of the body in both winter and summer are absolutely the same. However, if in summer people often eat vegetables, berries, fruits , and get all the necessary from them, then in winter with this usually there are problems. That is why vitamins for winter are all the vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K.

To find out what vitamins you need to take in the winter specifically for you, pay attention to the status of "indicators" - hair, skin, nails, etc.

  1. If you have a dull complexion, the skin turns red and flaky, which means that you have a need for vitamins A, C, E and group B.
  2. If your hair becomes dull and intensely falls out, and your nails are loose, you need vitamins B and C, as well as magnesium, copper, iron.
  3. If you have dermatitis, and the wounds on the skin do not heal for a long time, you need vitamins C, D, and K.
  4. If you often get sick, vitamin C and B vitamins will come to your rescue.

Depending on the lack of what substances you have identified, you can choose what vitamins to drink in the winter. You can either purchase a complex, or all vitamins separately. There is always such an option as getting vitamins with food is considered. That in this form they are assimilated much better.

Vitamins in winter in foods

When you have decided which vitamins to take in the winter, you can refer to the lists of foods in which this substance is abundant, and enrich your body with the gifts of nature. Consider where to look for each vitamin:

Even in the absence of many summer gifts, in winter it is always possible to provide an influx of vitamins in the body. The main thing - to properly make up your menu, using only useful foods.