LED Aquarium Lighting

If you do not provide for your aquarium quality lighting , then very soon in the underwater world will begin very bad changes. Most plants begin to bore and gradually die, biological balance will be disturbed, which will affect the health of fish. It should also be understood that in normal light conditions, normal spawning and ripening of living organisms is impossible. For tropical species, the duration of daylight hours is about 10-12 hours, which affects the budget. It's no wonder, that more and more often aquarists began to replace usual lamps with more perfect and economical devices.

What should be LED lighting in an aquarium with plants?

It is necessary to select such lamps that are most suitable for underwater organisms in the spectrum. The fact is that photosynthesis strongly depends on the effectiveness of radiation. The main role is played here by the blue and red spectrum. For vegetation, blue light rays are needed in the range 430-450 nm, and light rays of about 660 nm in length are desirable for flowering. Shade-loving fish and plants need the power of lamps up to 0.4 W / l, for a vessel with small thickets and ordinary inhabitants there is enough 0.4-0.5 W / l. If you prefer a tight landing and dense thickets (Dutch herbalist), then you need to provide a light power of 0.8 W / l and more.

Advantages and disadvantages of LED lighting for aquarium

LED devices allow you to achieve directional lighting, they are durable and less energy-intensive. In addition, LED lamps are almost not heated, even when the lamp touches the plant or fish, the underwater inhabitant does not suffer from burns. The aquarist can easily adjust the illumination in a wide range, selecting the most efficient light flux. When installing, you do not need reflectors and protective glass, so all work is inexpensive and fast. Now in the retail networks there is a huge selection of types of LED fixtures, from spotlights, to panels and tapes.

Previously, the main drawback of LED aquarium lighting was the overestimated cost of the devices. But now the price of budget devices has almost leveled with energy-saving lamps, which makes this type of lighting all the more promising. LED ribbons are not suitable as a main light source because of their low power, so they are better used as an additional device for decorative purposes.