Fighting a bear in the garden

Any summer resident will tell you that it is always better to start fighting with pests with prevention. It is much easier to resort to methods of prevention than to deal with existing problems. And in the matter of struggle, we always want to save the moment of ecological compatibility, not to break the soil and do without radical chemicals. New and old ways of fighting with the bear are distributed according to this principle: prevention, gentle methods and aggressive ones.

Effective methods of combating the bear

The most working are considered to be preventive measures, which make it impossible to prevent the occurrence of this problem at all. Work begins in the autumn. Experienced summer residents begin to prepare special trenches in September, which will be covered with manure. It works this way: the wrecker will look for the wintering just the manure, so it makes sense to concentrate it in one place. After the onset of cold weather, everything from the trench is excavated and scattered around the site. When the minus outside the window is stable, the death of the pest is inevitable. This is a great way to deal with the larvae of the bear.

Preventive struggle with a bear in the spring consists in preparation of traps. It's even simpler: you simply dig up the banks on the soil level during planting, then fill them with water. This variant of fighting the bear in the spring will allow you to collect a "harvest" from several individuals per night.

Folk ways to combat the bear

What summer resident did not try the people's councils of neighbors in the fight against the bear in the garden? And we must admit that the people's wisdom was enough for a lot of advice. For example, the marigolds have already won the title of people's repellers, including for the bear. It's enough just to drop them between beds: decorate your plantings, and get rid of insects.

One of the means to combat the bear is kerosene. We will process sand with kerosene, which we then spread out over the beds. Of course, for the whole garden this option may be too expensive, but it is quite feasible to work out a greenhouse or small plantations.

There is also a rather exotic option for getting rid of an unwanted guest. Some gardeners put rancid fish in the holes of the pest. For obvious reasons, you will have to endure the smell, but the bear does not favor him. Because of this, summer residents sometimes specially lay out fresh fish near the plantings, and sprinkle it with a little soil.

But a pleasant smell is the means of combating the bear, brought from the forest. It's about the needle. It turns out that her pest does not tolerate. Branches are finely chopped and simply scattered along the inter-ridge. And that the needles not so quickly dried up under the sun's rays and lost its flavor, it is also slightly sprinkled with soil.

Chemical methods of fighting with the bear

The use of chemistry is an aggressive, radical method of solving this problem. But sometimes he becomes the only way out. Remember the main rule: in this matter more, does not mean better. All dosages must be strictly observed.

Many manufacturers recommend mixing Poison into food, which will become a bait for the pest. As a rule, it's porridge. This option will be good for the agent "Regent". We cook about a pound of porridge, add the ampoule of the chemical to it. All this is pushed into the holes of the bear.

Instead of cereal, you can use grains. It can be peas, or any other cereals. They are treated with the drug "Metaphos" and scattered on the site with mink. There are packs of drugs to combat the bear in the garden with the finished granules, they simply throw it into the mink. This form of the means "Medotox" and "Medecid." The last two means have one advantage - they do not affect the soil and do not poison it.