Food for kittens

Do you have a kitten in your house soon? Or already have? Then you take or have already taken responsibility for the life of this sweet creature. And because, as you will look after him, feed, water, it depends on what or how your cat or cat will grow. The beauty of a cat in her health. And this health is largely determined by food for kittens. And here it is important, at what age the kitten came to you.

Artificial feeding of the baby

If a cat is a child who came to you at the age of a baby, then you should feed him 6 times a day from a bottle of milk (cow or goat, which is better), mixed with raw yolk. Feed for such a tiny kitten can be milk formula for children or dry food for kittens in the form of a milk substitute, which is already sold in pet stores. From the month the kitten is given additives: liquid cottage cheese, mashed beef or chicken. But here's a kitten for a month and a half and you have to make a choice on what system you will feed it. Up to one year the animal will be considered a kitten, but because of what it will get used to feed during this period, the nutrition of the adult animal will depend.

Types of feed for kittens

Feed for kittens can be industrial and home cooking. The first group will include ready-made dry food for kittens and canned food (canned food). Homemade nutrition is the feeding of kittens with natural products. There is also a combination (mixed) feeding, but it is the worst option, the least preferable. In this case, the balance between proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements can be disturbed.

Ready-made kittens

What kind of food to feed the kitten, choose you. But the best food for kittens living in a busy housewife or host will be ready-made dry mixes or canned food. Such feeding requires less time, but does not apply to low-budget ones. How can I explain this? Fats, fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and L-carnitine should be in the diet of a kitten. And vitamins A, C, D, E, micronutrients such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, but not in the form of table salt and other biologically important substances must also be supplied. All this in the form of high-quality products in an exceptionally balanced form is in the stern for kittens marked "premium" or "superpremium." Good feeds are not cheap. Of course, a small kitten needs a little, but, first, it grows, and, secondly, eating in childhood a quality food for kittens, why would he have to give up a quality meal when he grows up.

Almost all manufacturers of quality fodder for cats produce feeds in the form of rulers, and these lines include feed for kittens. Such feeds are many, but you need to choose the right one for your pet, and in the future try not to change the chosen feed. Experts build ratings of forages of firms of manufacturers, including for kittens. Customers also do this. Some believe that the best dry food for kittens are ready-made mixtures from the Hills , Nutro Chois, someone adds to the Royal Canin list, though, provided that the fodder was produced in France, and not in Russia. The top lines of the rating of feed for kittens can vary slightly, but invariably the first places are taken by the products of those manufacturers that develop products based on scientific achievements and who use the highest quality ingredients. But whatever the results in the upper echelon, the bottom of the feed rating for the kittens are the firms Kiti Kat and Wiskas, and Katinka gets a lot of negative reviews. It is not recommended to feed such kittens. They can provide a bouquet of diseases to your pet.

And we must remember that even the best food for a kitten that overeats will be harmful, Therefore, there are strict norms on age, breed, which must be adhered to and do not forget that dry food with a lack of water will lead to dehydration of the animal's body. Water should be 4 times more than feed, and it must necessarily be fresh. Love your pet!