How to make large curls?

Many ladies do not deny themselves the pleasure to wind curls, giving their image a romantic mystery. But small curls are not all, so there is nothing else to do than make large curls. They can be done both in a hairdresser and at home - curling large curls in any case, it's not a long and not very difficult.

We offer you several ways to make large curls.

Plait or ironing

And really, what can be difficult in winding hair curling or ironing, which can both straighten hair, and make stunningly beautiful large curls? It's fast and convenient, but you need to remember that high temperatures do not benefit the hair and use thermal protection. But even with the use of special tools, it is not necessary to get too carried away with irons and curling irons.

To wind hair on a curling iron it is possible differently :

The main rules: the thinner the curl - the smaller the curl, the longer we hold the curled curl, the longer it will last.

Ways to wind hair on ironing are also several

The first of them is very simple: dry hair twisted into a tight bundle and draw on it with a hot iron several times. Carefully divide the hair with your fingers, without combing it, fix it with varnish.

For the second method you will need iron, foil and helper. Narvite the foil in small strips. Dry hair divide into thin strands, wind on 1 or 2 fingers (for smaller and larger curls). Carefully put each curl in the foil and fold, pressing the curl. For each convolution of the foil, do an ironing. Carefully remove the foil and spread the curls with your fingers. Fix it with lacquer. The effect will surpass your expectations!


I want every day to flaunt ringlets, but constantly overheat hair is terrible? Then there is another way - hair curlers. At home, it is the most for obtaining large curls. How to wind hair on curlers and create large curls? Separate the strand of hair and gently twist the ends of the hair to the middle of the curler. Then we twist the strand to the place from which you want to get the curls, and fix it. It is important to remember that the hair should be wound, moving from the crown to the back of the head. Choose curlers for large curls need a large diameter and with a smooth surface. If ordinary hair curlers give creases on hair and curls look unnatural, then you need to take soft curlers - boomerangs. They look like foam rubber sticks, and are attached to the hair by the wire core. Such hair curlers do not hurt the hair and they can even do it for the night, sleeping boomerangs will not hurt - they are soft. The main rule in selecting boomerangs for large curls is the size, but because we take those that are wide in diameter and long. If you do not have the right amount of large hair curlers at hand, then you can wind on only the upper strands, and pick up the bottom on curlers smaller. The main thing is not to overdo it - the more small curlers you use, the more voluminous and fluffy you get your hair.

Alternative to ringlets

But you need to take into account the condition of your hair - heavily discolored or thin hair may not (or at all) keep a shape, and instead of relief curls you risk only a light wave. In this case, it is necessary to turn to professionals, but not for traditional laying, but for curling. There is a chemical wave and bio-procedure, if there is a possibility, then it's better to stop at the second - harm to the hair will be less.

Hairdressers, curlers, ironing and curlers, yes, with their help you can get large curls, but as it's all long, complicated and boring. If you think the same, then try the following method. You will need mousse (foam) for styling, varnish, comb and a wide, not very tight, elastic. How to use such a set to make large curls at home? There is nothing easier. In the evening we put on a dry hair styling agent. Then we comb our hair and take the elastic band. We put it on our head like a hoop. Carefully detach the strand of hair and wind it on the elastic band. First, we fill the hair under the elastic on one side, then on the other. And at the end we fix the hair behind the elastic band, wrapping it several times with the remaining bundle. The resulting roller of hair around the head is sprayed with varnish and we go to sleep. In the morning, gently remove the gum and collect curls in the hair. The hairbrush should not be used at this time - we disassemble the hair with our hands. Laying the curls as you like, we fix the hairdo with a varnish.

There are many ways to create curls, it remains to choose your own, and with a proudly lifted head to move to conquer the male hearts.