What to wash woolen things?

To preserve the quality of things from the wool, you must observe the special conditions of washing and care for them. Before wiping woolen things, it is necessary to check if there are stains on them and turn them inside out. In their absence, the thing can not be washed, since frequent washing spoils such products. It is better just to hang them for airing, which will remove the unwanted odor .


Many housewives do not know the better to wash woolen things. For such products, hand washing is ideal. Since this fabric is delicate, the water temperature should not be above 35 ° C. Water with the same temperature should be used for rinsing. To woolen things do not prick, they must be washed in soft water. Add to the hard water softening agents. During washing, the use of bleaching agents is not allowed, and during the rinse, conditioners are not allowed. For hand washing, use a large amount of water. After rinsing, woolen things are immediately sent to dry.

Car wash

Washing can be done in automatic mode. But before you wipe the woolen things in the typewriter, you need to make sure that there is a special mode in it. If you do not have it, you need to select a sensitive mode. After selecting the program, it is necessary to turn off the spin, since the wool products can not be squeezed.

Remains of water after washing are removed by smoothing movements. To do this, you can also use a thick towel, it will absorb water from the thing wrapped in it. After that, the wool product is smoothed and dried.

Before learning how to wash woolen things, it is necessary to study the labels and symbols on the label. The choice of detergent depends on the type of wool fabric. In addition to special powders, you can use shampoos for hair, ammonia and conditioner for laundry.


Dry in a well-ventilated place. You can use a horizontal surface, initially placing a towel or a piece of cloth under the things.

Observance of these rules will allow long time to preserve woolen things without loss of appearance and quality.