Warming of the bath

Good thermal insulation of the room will not only help keep the heat, but also help save money on heating it. This is not such a simple matter, as many believe at first. Bad insulation leads to the fact that the temperature is kept in the winter is very low. And it happens the other way round, the heat is such that it is unbearably normal to take water procedures.

Selection of material for thermal insulation:

  1. Mineral materials: glass wool, mineral wool, basalt fiber. They are produced in the form of mats, rolls or various plates. Such material does not rot, does not burn, it is waterproof and very durable.
  2. Organic materials include peat, straw, cotton, sawdust or reeds. Organic has a property to burn, and it should be applied carefully. Although new technologies allow a much broader use of products from natural substances. It is from them that now more often they make different plates or wall blocks: arbolite or fibreboard.
  3. Styrofoam or expanded polystyrene - these materials are relatively inexpensive. They are often used for warming rest rooms or dressing rooms, but it is not advisable to do this in steam rooms, since this material is easily ignited.

Do not forget about the vaporization. For this purpose, when erecting other structures, a ruberoid or parchment is used, but for warming the sauna steam room it is better not to use them. When heated, they release various volatile harmful substances. It is best to take a plate with a special foil coating. It reflects heat back and reduces significantly in the future your energy costs.

Warming of the floor in the bath

If the floor is solid, then place the minvat on the rough surface and cover it with waterproofing. Then they begin to install a clean floor covering. In the event that you have a leaking floor, you first dig a pit about half a meter in depth. Then, by 50 mm, fill it with sand and compact it. On this layer, polystyrene (200 mm) is settled and poured with a solution of cement and foam foam (1: 1) with a thickness of about 50 mm. Then pour concrete with a thickness of about 50 mm, using a reinforcing mesh, while ensuring the formation of a slope to drain water. Only then the floor is mounted on the posts.

Warming the ceiling of the bath with your own hands

The technology of insulation of the ceiling and walls from the inside of the room is not much different. First, a frame is mounted on the walls and ceiling. Keep the distance between the bars such that the niches are tightly insulated. To insulate the sauna steam room, mineral wool is the best choice. Then we close it with a vapor barrier and make the inner lining. We apply the foamed material to the inside of the room with the reflecting side, and the vapor barrier must be fastened from above to the beams, and not to be adjusted between them. Other rooms are warmed completely analogously.

Thermal insulation of the roof of the bath

Warming the ceiling of the bath with your own hands is best done from the outside. To do this, most often mineral wool, but you can also apply expanded clay, glass wool or fibrous basalt insulation. The technology of work is similar to that which is carried out with walls. The vapor barrier material must always be attached to the inside of your room. Where insulation is adjacent to chimneys, use refractory mastics or asbestos materials. If you plan to use your attic as a storage space for various materials and equipment, then you need to insulate the floor and the roof. If it's cold, it's enough to insulate and vaporize the ceiling of your bath.

Thermal insulation of the sauna outside

It is necessary to warm not only the walls themselves, but also the perimeter of the basement. Thermal insulation of a brick bath is easiest to do in this way: mount a frame, apply a heater to the wall, protect it with a layer of waterproofing and top with a lining, siding or other material (you can even tighten the boards). In the same way, you can conduct a warming bath, built from foam blocks. For the insulation of frame saunas it is desirable to use foam plastic, since this material has much less weight.

For premises made from logs or timber, there is a technology of such works. Here you need to caulk the space between the crowns. It is best to use jute, which includes flax fibers (flnovatin or lnozhutovy felt). First it is laid between the crowns during construction. Then, after assembly, carefully work the joints between adjacent logs and stuff jute fiber into them. Begin with the lower crown and gradually, after passing the entire perimeter, move on to the next one.

A good steam room should heat up quickly and keep heat for a long time. We hope that our advice will help you to better insulate your sauna.