Cake with apples and cottage cheese in a multivariate

Perhaps, it is already known to everyone that products baked in a multivariate, go out unusually delicious and tender. Recipes for a delicious pie with cottage cheese and apples are waiting for you below.

Pie with cottage cheese and apples - a simple recipe



Cottage cheese is purried, we put sour cream, soft butter and thoroughly rub with a spoon. Eggs beat well with sugar. Mix the curd and egg mass, pour in flour, previously sifted with baking powder. We spread the multivach bowl with oil, place about half the dough and spread the surface of the spoon with a spoon. From the top, lay out the sliced ​​apples and cover with the remaining dough. Stove the cake for 65 minutes on the "Bake".

Pie on kefir with cottage cheese and apples in a multivark



Chopped apple cubes fry for 5 minutes on natural butter. Add sugar (50 g), pritrushivayem cinnamon, stir and simmer for another 3 minutes. Now we make the dough: we rub the eggs with cottage cheese and sugar, pour in the yogurt and sprinkle the baking powder. Add the apples and pour in the flour. Stir thoroughly. We spread the dough into a prepared multivach bowl, pre-lubricated with butter, and bake, choosing the program "Baking" 60 minutes.

Fast pie with cottage cheese and apples



Cottage cheese until smoothness is ground. This can be done with a blender or with a simple sieve. Add 100 g of sugar, softened butter and thoroughly rub. Chilled eggs well beat up to a lush foam with the addition of the rest of the sugar. Now we connect the received mass with cottage cheese. We sprinkle the previously sifted flour in portions and gently, but mix well. Apples are cleaned from the skin and cut into thin slices. We place them on the bottom of the multi-bowl bowl, and between them we place several pieces of butter. All this is filled in with a prepared test. We cook the pie for 65 minutes on "Baking". Then we cool the cake in the bowl, and then carefully remove it.

Have a nice tea!