How to take arginine?

Arginine is a conditionally-replaceable amino acid . This means that the body is able to synthesize it, but under certain conditions and in small quantities. Arginine is not produced in children, and its synthesis slows to 40 years. In the absence of one of the 20 amino acids, the body begins to malfunction, increases the propensity for infection, as well as manifest genetic diseases. Arginine is the main component of the synthesis of nitric oxide, and he, in turn, performs a number of super important functions of our body. Including: regulates blood pressure, reduces the production of the stress hormone and increases growth hormone, programs defective cells for death, that is - protects against cancer, has a regenerative function, and actively and positively affects the genitourinary system of both sexes.

From the above, we can conclude that arginine, by no means a drug only for bodybuilders. Arginine for women - this is not pampering, but a necessity. After all, everything in our body, one way or another, consists of protein, and amino acids - its constituents. The daily norm of arginine for an adult is 6.1 g, regardless of sex. How to take L-arginine, we will discuss further.

Arginine and growth

Arginine for girls is, above all, growth hormone. To activate this process, take arginine at night, because it is at this time of day we grow. In addition, arginine is recommended to drink on an empty stomach, or 5 hours after eating fatty foods. Arginine and fat are antagonists. Fatty food will nullify any action of arginine.

Arginine with sports loads

About how to drink arginine to a woman who is actively involved in sports, you can also say a few words. As you know, all sports supplements should be taken before training . Arginine is no exception, but it should be done 45-60 minutes before the beginning of the session. Because it is just an hour later, nitric oxide is synthesized from arginine, and as a result, more muscle will be delivered nutrients, and the vessels through nitric oxide expand and the body is saturated with oxygen.

Arginine in capsules

The most convenient form of release of arginine is capsules. They should be taken 1-2 pcs., Depending on the dosage. In any case, how to take arginine in capsules is written on the package, and your own dose can be calculated independently - 115 mg per 1 kg of weight. I think that there are not enough omissions regarding how to drink arginine and when it is better to take arginine. And buy these food additives should only be in pharmacies or specialized points of sale of sports nutrition.