Meditation for losing weight

Meditation is a very useful spiritual practice, which is often associated with esotericism, which is why many people treat this occupation with distrust. In fact, the right meditation is just a deep relaxation, very useful for the human body and regularly used in various psychotherapeutic practices.

What does meditation do?

Meditation in itself is a very deep relaxation, which has a beneficial effect on all body systems and helps to work with the subconscious. So, for example, during meditation, you can adjust the body to improve metabolism, quickly getting rid of excess weight.

It is important to understand that the human psyche, although strong enough, but not in its power to fight your eating habits. No meditation will help you if basically you eat all the floury, fatty and do not control yourself in the sweet.

Meditation to lose weight helps only against the background of proper nutrition and increased motor activity. As you know, the body needs some time to rebuild the metabolism from the regime of "accumulation of fat deposits" in the regime of "fat consumption". Meditation will help accelerate this process.

Check the effectiveness of this technique is not so difficult - it will take no more than 15 minutes a day, which will make all other measures for weight loss more effective.

Women's meditation for weight loss

This meditation can be called female only conditionally - it is usually the beautiful half of humanity who tend to resort to comprehensive measures to combat excess weight. The female organism is more inclined to accumulation of fats in itself, rather than the male - such are the features of its physiology. As a rule, it is easier for a man to bring his weight into order.

Prepare for meditation is simple: select 15 minutes, in which no one will distract you, turn off the phone, abstract from day-to-day worries. The room should be dark - or use a bandage for the eyes. To the external noises do not disturb you at all, turn on a quiet, quiet, slow music for meditation for weight loss. On the Internet you will find a lot of suitable options. Many help to concentrate lit aromatic sticks. So, let's start:

  1. Lie comfortably on your back, head on a low pillow, do not cross arms and legs.
  2. Close your eyes and slowly count from 1 to 10. Slowly and calmly inhale air, inflating while not chest, but the stomach.
  3. Imagine yourself wherever you would like to be, where you are comfortable and calm - the forest, in the mountains, at the sea. Feel the peace.
  4. Imagine how the positive energy flows from above directly to the crown of your head - it is warm, pleasant, light color. Imagine how this flow spreads through your body, and it begins to glow - every tiny part of the body and every internal organ.
  5. Imagine how positive energy circulates in your body, healing it, improving all processes, making them more impetuous.
  6. If your mind gets stuck in one place or organ, give in to it - probably, the body here diagnoses the disease.
  7. To start working on the weight, imagine your problem areas, imagine in your mind how the fats are split, output, and the contours change, become more slender and beautiful. Present carefully, in minute detail, every detail that bothers you.
  8. Clearly imagine how much you need to weigh, and how to look. Given that the natural rate of weight loss - 3-5 kg ​​per month, calculate, after what time you will be slim and beautiful. Concentrate on this. Imagine yourself in the future - you are slim and beautiful.
  9. When you feel that the work is over (usually minutes through 7-10), slowly count from 10 to 1 and open your eyes.
As a result of high-quality meditations, you will lose your appetite and cravings for sweets. the body will go to the goal. Be engaged in meditations during all growing thin, and you will considerably accelerate this process.