Wart Removal - 8 Effective Ways

Any neoplasms on the skin do not color a person, and therefore removal of warts is a demanded procedure. There are many ways to get rid of papillomas and outgrowths. However, before resorting to one of the procedures, it is necessary to correctly identify the species of the neoplasm. This is the only way to choose the appropriate method of therapy.

Warts - Causes and Treatment

A new human papillomavirus (HPV) virus will provoke the appearance of such a tumor. It is transmitted by contact-domestic and sexual ways. In the first case, the virus penetrates through lesions on the skin, as well as when shaking hands and when there are common objects of use. There are several varieties of warts:

  1. Vulgar (they are also called ordinary) - in 70% of cases these tumors are diagnosed in schoolchildren and younger children. The area of ​​their localization is the back of the palm, between the fingers, at the lips, and on the face. Their color does not differ from the color of healthy skin.
  2. Plantar - based on the name, you can judge the location of this new growth. They differ in rounded form with a rough, porous surface. Because the wart is constantly under pressure, it begins to germinate inside.
  3. Flat - differ pink or light brown color. There are such warts in groups. More often these formations cover the back, chest, neck, hands, face and even genitals.
  4. Pointed - they are considered the most unpleasant. Such growths affect the skin and mucous membrane. They appear on the genitals, in the perineum, in the mouth and so on.

Before treating warts, you should always seek medical help. Independently with this can not cope. The dermatologist is engaged in elimination of such a tumor. He knows what a wart is, what are the causes of its appearance, and how this disease is treated. In some cases a biopsy is necessary. For this, some of the tumor is removed, and then it is sent to the laboratory for further investigation.

Here's how to get rid of warts - the most effective methods:

  1. Use of chemicals with cauterizing effect. To do this, use Salicylic acid, Tretinoin or Glycolic acid. Such remedies can be used daily and at home.
  2. The use of Bleomycin - an antitumoral drug. It is injected directly into the neoplasm. These drugs have negative sides. For example, their introduction is painful.
  3. The use of Cantaridin , a medicinal product that, when exposed to the skin, provokes the appearance of burns and blisters. It is applied to the neoplasm, and a week later they remove the "crust".

Removal of warts is often accompanied by immunotherapy. It is aimed at strengthening the body's defense system. One of the varieties of such immunotherapy is the application of Diphencipron to the skin. Around the formations there is an allergic reaction (it helps to strengthen the body's defense system). Another variant of immunotherapy is the introduction of Interferon warts into the inside. This drug increases immunity and helps fight HPV .

Do I need to remove the warts?

The dermatologist can give an exact answer after a thorough examination of the neoplasm. He will make a final verdict whether it is worth removing warts. Some neoplasms pass by themselves. They have a short "life cycle". However, there are also those that require surgical intervention. For example, it is necessary to get rid of genital warts. They can grow to large sizes and cause serious problems to their owners.

More often the removal of warts is prescribed in such cases:

Wart removal - consequences

This radical method has negative sides. After removal of the wart, the following consequences are possible:

Wart removal methods

There are many ways to combat this malignancy. Remove the wart by using the following methods:

Laser Wart Removal

This method of combating neoplasm is based on the thermal action of the beam. The laser gradually removes individual layers of the skin, while preventing the injury of a number of located tissues. At the same time, this beam seals the blood vessels, so laser removal of warts is not accompanied by bleeding. To minimize the likelihood of a burn, the apparatus used was equipped with a special cooling system.

Removal of warts with liquid nitrogen

In official medicine, this procedure was called "cryodestruction." Under the influence of liquid nitrogen there is a freezing of the tumor and its subsequent dying out. If the treated area is large, Novocain or another analgesic is administered before the procedure. After such an injection must pass at least 10 minutes, and only then the doctor proceeds to remove the wart. If the papilloma is small, the procedure should be performed without the use of an anesthetic.

Removal of warts with nitrogen is performed as follows:

  1. The doctor dips a wooden stick with the wound cotton wool in liquid nitrogen.
  2. With a little pressure, he touches the surface of the wart. The contact time varies between 5-20 seconds.
  3. A 2-minute break is made, during which the doctor tries to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure. By that time, the area of ​​exposure becomes white. After 2-3 minutes the exfoliation of the wart begins.
  4. If necessary, the procedure of "freezing" is repeated.

Electrocoagulation of warts

This method involves heating the tissues with the help of high-frequency current. Electrocoagulation is a safe and effective way to remove warts. It is more often used to get rid of superficial and vulgar neoplasms, moreover, it copes better with fresh outgrowths. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. It looks like this:

  1. On a wart put on a thin metal loop.
  2. It is fed with current. As a result, thermal damage to tissue cells occurs, and they die.
  3. A dense crust forms on the surface of the treated area, which in the future disappears.

Radio wave wart removal

This is a non-contact method of destruction of the tumor. It is used when the removal of small warts located on the feet, palms, face, neck and even intimate organs is required. The procedure is carried out using the apparatus "Surgitron." The operation of the device is based on the directional action of radio waves. Under their influence, the liquid present in the cells boils, which leads to the destruction of tissues and allows you to get rid of the wart. Cauterization of adjacent sites occurs simultaneously. This prevents bleeding.

Wart removal remedy in a pharmacy

Modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of medicines, the purpose of which is getting rid of the tumor on the skin. However, any such remedy for wart removal, although it can be used at home, should be administered under the supervision of a doctor. Only an experienced dermatologist is able to correctly select a medication that will give visible results. Self-cure at best will be useless.

Removal of warts can be carried out with the help of such groups of medicines:

Pencil for removing warts

This is a topical application that is highly effective. There are several types of pencils. At the base of some are acids or alkalis. Others have a different mechanism of effect on the neoplasm - these are cryocarans. More often such means are used:

Plaster for wart removal

This means of local application is easy to use. To ensure that the result is not long in coming, the affected area needs to be prepared for gluing the patch. To do this, it should be steamed in warm water for at least 5 minutes. Next, dry the skin with a cotton towel and only after that stick a patch. To remove warts more often such means are used:

Preparations for the removal of warts

In the pharmacy you can buy various medications used to combat growth. Among them there are necrotizing drugs:

A great popularity and use keratolytic drugs. The mechanism of their action is to soften the tissues and painless removal of the cornified layer. More often they are prescribed such medicines:

In addition, drugs with the effect of cryotherapy can also be used:

Assign and immunomodulating drugs:

Wart removal by folk methods

There are many alternative ways to get rid of growths. The most popular is the removal of warts celandine . The poison contained in this plant has an adverse effect on the skin lesion. This medicinal herb used to advise in the period of its flowering. Its yellowish juice should be lubricated with warts. At that time of the year, when the plant has already faded, it is possible to use the medicinal ointments prepared on its basis.

To combat the wart, table vinegar can also be used. This method is so safe that it is used in childhood. Treatment with such a "drug" looks like this: a tampon soaked in vinegar is applied to the build-up, fixed with adhesive plaster and keeps the night. A similar effect gives garlic lotions. To do this, mix the gruel from 2 denticles with 1 teaspoon of almond oil or glycerin. The compress is applied for 3-5 hours. The duration of treatment with vinegar and garlic depends on the degree of neglect of pathology.