HPV in women - what is it, how to diagnose, treat and prevent the virus?

WHO gave a detailed description of HPV in women - what it is, what are the symptoms and causes that provoke the problem. According to statistics, more than 60% of people on earth are infected with the virus. Some may simply be carriers, while in others, the infection manifests itself in the form of small formations.

What is HPV?

Infectious disease, which is common among people of different ages, is called the human papillomavirus. Describing that it is HPV in women, it is worth pointing out that this is the general name of a large number of viruses that can provoke the development of many pathologies in the body. Doctors have long been working on developing a vaccine that could overcome the virus, but so far it has not been possible to do so. Scientists have found methods of diagnosis to determine the virus in the body and even created a vaccine to protect themselves from infection.

Types of HPV in women

There are a large number of types of the virus and there are more than 70. To understand the HPV in women - what it is, it is worth pointing out the following classification:

  1. HPV, in which the appearance of different types of warts .
  2. HPV type 16 in women affects the genitals and the respiratory tract. This includes other types: 6,11, 13, 18, 31, 33 and 35.
  3. Viruses, manifested in the form of rashes, and associated with precancerous condition.

What is dangerous for HPV?

In fact, in a small and safe at first glance, the papilloma is a great danger. The new growth that results from the activity of the virus is a benign tumor. A human papilloma virus in women is dangerous because some species can at any time degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. Such a transition can be provoked by physical damage and inflammatory processes.

Papillomavirus in women - causes

At the first stages of development the disease can be in a latent form, it lasts up to 2-3 months. Human papillomavirus can be caused by such factors:

How is the human papillomavirus transmitted?

Infection is transmitted by interaction with infected people or animals in whom clinical symptoms are present or absent. Finding out how the papillomavirus is transmitted, it is worth noting that often it enters the body through various micro-traumas of the skin or during inhalation.

  1. According to statistics, infection often occurs in places of large concentrations of people, where the air is too wet, for example, in swimming pools and baths.
  2. Explaining what it is - HPV in women, it is worth noting that infection is possible with sexual contact with the carrier, and this applies to traditional and oral contacts. Another infection can be transmitted during childbirth.

Human papillomavirus in women - symptoms

Numerous experiments have revealed that in many people, HPV does not show any symptoms and can be detected through a special analysis. Human papilloma virus, the symptoms of which are noted only in a small number of people and then in a short time, accompanied by the appearance of genital warts. They have a small size, pink or solid color and a slightly bumpy surface. Often they are formed near the genitals. It is worth noting that approximately 20% of the cases disappear on their own in a few months.

HPV - Diagnosis

Warts and warts are easily detected visually when viewed. To confirm the presence of HPV and determine its type, the PCR method and "hybrid capture" are used for diagnosis. If there is a human papillomavirus in women, in gynecology for suspected complications, additional studies are being carried out:

  1. Colposcopy involves the study of the cervix to determine pathological changes. A number of diagnostic tests are performed during this study.
  2. A biopsy of the affected areas helps to determine the presence of malignant tumors.
  3. Understanding what it is - HPV in women, and how to diagnose such a problem, it is worth mentioning the cytological study that is carried out in all women, even in the absence of visual changes in the cervix.

Analysis of HPV - as taken from women?

The doctor conducts a number of diagnostic measures, which necessarily involve a gynecological examination to determine the presence of warts and genital warts. The analysis for human papilloma virus includes a cytological smear, in which the scrapings of the cervix, taken from the mucosa and the cervical canal are checked. Thanks to this method, it is possible to detect the presence of cancer at an early stage. To understand whether there is papillomavirus in women, doctors use colposcopy, a biopsy and a polymerase chain reaction that helps determine the DNA of the virus.

Human papillomavirus in women - treatment

To achieve good results, a comprehensive study is conducted. The doctor prescribes suitable drugs and performs the removal of the available papillomas. Finding out how to treat the papillomavirus, you need to specify that they use liquid nitrogen and a laser for this. Cauterization with the use of special medications is effective. With significant formations, surgical removal is performed.

The choice of the method of removal is made, after inspection and accounting of the number of growths, the location and density of their placement. If a human papillomavirus is detected, treatment of the growths is performed operatively by anesthesia, for example, if many lesions are found on the pubis. If the affected area is small, then cauterization and laser exposure are used. There are situations when after removal of the papilloma appear again, then the moxibustion is carried out.

Treatment of HPV in women - drugs

Completely get rid of such a disease in women is almost impossible. In addition, it is worth noting that the treatment is expensive. It is important to complete the course prescribed by the doctor, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve good results. If you are interested in how to treat HPV in women, then you should indicate the main groups of medications:

  1. Antiviral drugs are aimed at destroying the structure of HPV and disrupting the spread of HPV. There are different forms of drugs, and the choice depends on the course of the disease and the place where the condylomas appeared. In pharmacies there are antiviral agents in the form of ointments, creams, injectable solutions, tablets and so on (Groprinosine, Acyclovir). Injections and pills are considered the most effective.
  2. Treatment of HPV in women is often carried out using local means. After the formations have been removed, it is important to treat the affected areas with special gels (Epigen-gel).
  3. If a papillomavirus is detected, the treatment may include suppositories that do not spread to the inflammation in the vaginal area. They also strengthen immunity and prevent the development of the disease (Panavir, Galavit). Daily rate - 1-2 candles, the exact amount determines the doctor, given the dosage. The course of application is 10 days, but sometimes it can be extended to 14 days.
  4. Mandatory medicine for papillomavirus - immunomodulator. Such drugs are needed to strengthen immunity and appoint only doctors (Cordyceps, Derinat).

Vaccination against human papillomavirus

Pharmaceutical manufactures two types of vaccines that help protect against HPV 16 and 18 (Cervarix, Gardasil). Scientists have proved that the HPV virus in women of these genotypes is a frequent factor provoking cancer. Vaccines have cross-protection from other genotypes of HPV. The vaccine is given to the girls before they enter into sexual relations. According to WHO recommendations, vaccination is best performed at the age of 9-13 years. To protect themselves from the development of cervical cancer, it is used by girls who live sexually. Three injections are used, which are done at intervals of 1, 2 and 6 months.