How to treat apple trees in early spring?

It's no secret that the rest period of a real fan of garden business is very short. With the first rays of the spring sun, they take care of protecting their possessions from various kinds of pests and diseases. We will talk about how and what can be treated in the early spring apple trees today.

Than to process an apple tree trunk in the spring?

Protective measures in the apple orchard begin in the early spring (March), until the trees have awakened from the hibernation - they did not form buds and did not enter the period of active sap flow. At this time, it is necessary to clean their trunks from lichens and areas of dead cortex, to sanitize the crown (cut all the branches that did not survive the winter and shoots). All sections, cuts and peeled areas should be carefully disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate (in the proportion of 300 grams per 10 liters of water), and then covered with garden fumes. Cut off branches, pieces of bark and other wastes generated as a result of harvesting must be carefully collected and burned. This will help protect the tree from further infection. In addition to harvesting in March, it is time to get rid of all pests that wintered on the trunk - treat them with chemicals, whiten and dig up the near-barrel circle.

What should we cultivate apple trees in the spring?

Traditionally, for the early spring processing of apple trees, the following preparations are used:

Let us dwell on some of them in more detail:

  1. Carbamide . One of the most common drugs, also playing the role of fertilizer. In its pure form, urea can not be used in any case, since it can cause severe burns to the apple tree. If the barrel is planned to be processed, the carbamide solution should be less concentrated than for sprinkling branches.
  2. Copper vitriol . The use of this drug has two goals: protecting the apple from fungal diseases (scab, atranoz and monilioza) and the destruction of various pests.
  3. Iron vitriol . Due to this means apple trees are filled with a lack of much needed iron, and also increases resistance to various diseases (scab, deprive, black cancer, etc.)
  4. Chlorophos . One of the most common in the entire post-Soviet space of insecticides. To its merits can be attributed a sufficiently high level of safety for humans and animals. To treat apple-trees with chlorophosum is necessary when they became a victim of sawflies, fruit mites or other sucking insects.
  5. Colloidal sulfur . Helps cope with powdery mildew, scab and spider mite. This is quite a capricious tool, the effectiveness of which depends largely on weather conditions - the better the weather, the better the result. In cloudy weather, spraying with colloidal sulfur is completely useless.

How can you treat apple trees in the spring before flowering?

You can carry out the first spraying of apples even when the thermometer's column passes the mark of +5 degrees. The purpose of the very first (before swelling of the kidneys) treatment is the destruction of both fungal pathogens and winter pests on the tree. To combat them, you can use a solution of copper sulfate, nitrafen or DNOC. The second treatment falls on the period when the kidneys on the apple trees have already formed, but have not yet blossomed and is designed to save the trees from scab and kidney pests. Fight with these misfortunes will help a solution of vitriol (copper or iron), chlorophos, Bordeaux liquid or a suspension of colloidal sulfur.