The most popular flowers that are appropriate at almost any celebration are roses. After anniversaries or important events, there are always a lot of bouquets left. How to save a bouquet of flowers, so he would gladden the eye longer? So, consider several ways.
How to save a bouquet of roses longer?
To do this, you need to prepare a little bouquet. For starters, get in the habit of buying a bouquet only in a good and specialized store. Such salons cherish the customers, and therefore they will never sell flowers with lower leaves and thorns, especially stale flowers.
How to keep the bouquet fresh, if you cut flowers yourself? First of all, we remove all the spikes with a clerical knife. Next, remove all the lower leaves by one third of the length of the flower. It is best to clean the flower to the height of the vase, if possible. When the leaves are in the water, this leads to decay. Cut the stems better in water so that the cut is not weather-beaten.
To keep the bouquet of roses as long as possible, the cuts are always made at an angle of 45 ° at a distance of 2 cm from the original cut. The vase is filled with water only half. It is better to take the filtered water, its temperature should be 40 ° С. There is one small trick, how you can save a bouquet of roses: use a special powder for this. The name of this drug is Crisal. It can be purchased at every flower shop. How to keep the bouquet fresh with the help of such a tool? Twice a week, change the water, carefully wash the vase and cut the stems. Then again, collect half of the filtered water in the vase and add the remedy. Instead of this drug, you can add a few drops of lemon juice or a teaspoon of vinegar. It is possible to add an aspirin tablet. Dissolve in water and add to the vase, this will help extend the life of the bouquet. In the summer it is better to put flowers in cool water, and a bouquet in the shade. Among folk methods of prolonging the life of a bouquet it is often suggested to add to the water such bactericidal agents: alum, vodka, and borax.
Tips for storing cut roses
There are some simple rules how to save a bouquet.
- never put a vase under the sun's rays;
- In a cold period, place the vase away from the heating devices;
- to keep a bouquet of roses as long as possible, try to put it away from the vase with fruit. Often on a celebratory table put vases with flowers and fruits nearby. This can not be done categorically. The fact is that fruits produce ethylene, which will adversely affect the colors.