Echeveria - home care

Echeveria is a beautiful succulent flower of the Tolstoy family. The name of the plant arose in honor of the Mexican illustrator of the book on the flora of Mexico. It is often called echeveria and even a stone flower. There are many kinds of them, but common are the features of how to care for echoes.

Indoor flower echeveria - watering and lighting

In general, echevery can not be called exacting to care: it is easy to grow and not burdensome. Primarily for succulent, good lighting is important: it is better to place the pot with a plant on the southern or eastern, at the extreme, the western window sill, but not on the north. In the summer, echeveria feels well on the balcony or in the garden, it perfectly tolerates direct sunlight. The optimal temperature of the summer is + 24 + 27 degrees, in winter up to +15 degrees.

Watering for flowers eheveria should be regular, but not abundant: wait until the top layer of the soil dries. In winter, water succulent should be as rarely as possible - it is better not to water it, than pour it. Spraying the plant is not required, but its leaves need to be wiped from dust.

Care for echoes in the home - feeding and transplantation

With regard to fertilizing, echeverii are needed by fertilizers in the warm season - from April to October, once a month. For this purpose, use liquid fertilizer for succulents, diluting the dose in half, so as not to damage the root system with an excessive content of minerals.

Transplant eheveria every year or every two years early in the spring as needed. To do this, prepare a substrate of turf and leaf land, as well as sand, taken in equal parts. At the bottom of the pot, put a layer of drainage. The plant is taken out of the old pot and carefully cleaned of soil and rotten roots. Irrigation after transplantation is carried out after 5-7 days.

Reproduction of echeveria is possible by the separation of a daughter outlet. It must be cut off with a knife and rooted in the soil. Seeds of echeveria are planted in February and kept in conditions of + 15 + 20 degrees 2 weeks. Perhaps leaf and stem cuttings with subsequent rooting in the soil. But before planting, the cuttings are left to dry the cut site.

Diseases of echevery

The main problem in the cultivation of echeveria can be rotting of the roots or stem, which occurs with excessive watering. In this case, the plant can not be saved, only the cuttings of the healthy parts of the succulent will help. Brown or yellow spots on the leaves indicate fungus.