Actellik for indoor plants

Actellik is a powerful insecticide and acaricide of intestinal contact action, which has found wide application in the fight against various insect pests of plants.

Actellik - scope of application

Actellik is effectively used to protect indoor plants from mites, aphids, scabbards, whiteflyfly larvae of hothouse, mealybug, thrips, and other pests capable of hitting garden plants. But it is worth noting that this drug is quite toxic and belongs to the 2nd class of danger, therefore it is highly recommended to use it only if other methods of struggle have already been tried and produced no results.

How to breed an acticle?

As a rule, the actinicle is released in the form of an emulsion concentrate in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml, but sometimes the drug can be found in the form of a wettable powder.

In order to prepare a working solution for spraying decorative and houseplants, the contents of an ampoule with a volume of 2 ml must be diluted in 100 ml of water, and then bring the volume of the solution to 1 l. Please note that the ready-made solution can be used only for a day. Process the home plants with this drug can be using a sprayer, evenly moistening the entire surface of the plant and not covering the soil in a pot. For the use of actellic as a preventive measure, it will be sufficient to use a single spray of plants, but for pest control the treatment should be repeated after 7-10 days.

Aktellik - security measures

It is not recommended to conduct plant treatment with an actinic at home, it is better to do it outdoors or in uninhabited premises. To work with this toxic drug is desirable in special clothing, goggles, gloves and a respirator. After all the flowers have been sprayed, the overalls need to be removed, and the face and hands thoroughly washed with soap.