How to express breastmilk by hand - tips for breastfeeding

The birth of a baby changes the life of every mother. There are worries not only with the child, but changes in your body require attention. During lactation you need to monitor your condition, therefore, each breastfeeding woman needs to know how to express breastmilk by hand. After all, omission of important points can leave negative consequences.

Correct expression of breast milk by hand

Doctors say that it should not be expressed on a daily basis. There are cases when such a procedure is necessary. First, let's look at the circumstances in which a woman should do this:

  1. The first time after childbirth. During this period, the organization of breastfeeding has not yet been established. The breast can suck a small amount of milk, but comes a lot, because of overcrowding it is necessary to get rid of.
  2. Breastfeeding is prohibited for a child. Because breastfeeding is hard work for babies, this method of feeding is not allowed for preterm and for children with serious illnesses.
  3. Mom's disease. If it is necessary to drug treatment, forbidden during lactation, it also has to be expressed on its own.
  4. Lactostasis. Many young mothers face this problem. It is necessary to study well the information on how to properly separate breast milk by hand in order to get rid of this trouble.
  5. Separation of the child with his mother. To feed a child in the absence of a mother, she needs to prepare everything in advance.

Technique of expressing breast milk by hand

Before decanting breast milk by hand, consider preparing for this procedure:

  1. Dishes. Prepare a container in which you will be comfortable to express the milk. It must be necessarily sterilized if it is planned to feed them a child. Since you will express your breast milk with your hands, it is more convenient to use a bowl with a wide neck.
  2. Clean hands. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  3. Breast relaxation. Milk will be easier to express if the breast is first slightly warmed. A warm shower or a compress is great. Dampen the diaper in warm water and put on the chest for 5-10 minutes. Before the procedure, you can drink warm water or tea.
  4. Contact with the baby. Ideal if you will feed one breast, and the second while expressing. When the baby sucks, there is an active stimulation, which makes it much easier to process. However, if this does not work out for some reason, you can just be near him or imagine how you hug your baby. This will help to relax.

The rules for expressing breast milk by hands:

  1. Choose for yourself a comfortable pose.
  2. With one hand, wrap your chest around the bottom.
  3. Put the thumb of the second hand on top of the halo, and place the rest on the bottom.
  4. Express forward movements with pressure.

Doing it for the first time, many women notice that only drops go. Do not worry about this and especially throw the case. Continuing forward, in a few minutes will go the stream. Actually this will be an indicator that everything is going right. If it does not work out, massage lightly and try again. Any sharp pain indicates an incorrect action.

How often do you need to express breastmilk?

Experts argue that to understand how often it is necessary to express the breast, a woman can according to her feelings. If it is soft after feeding and does not cause discomfort, then there is no need for decanting. Some notice that after breastfeeding, the other remained firm. In this case, it should be expressed to softness. Expressing breast milk by hand after feeding to emptying will be a signal to the body that there is little work and the next time it will come much more.

Expressing breast milk by hand

The first time after the birth of a crumb, it is important to listen to your body and sensations. Breasts at this time eat only on demand and often a little, so make sure that the chest is not hard with lumps. Pumping during breastfeeding plays an important role. Ignoring this point, in the future you can get a lot of negative consequences.

How to separate breast milk after birth with your hands?

On day 2-3 after the birth, the milk rush of most women in labor is very large and many women even have body temperature rising. How to correctly express breastmilk by hand for the first time is important to know every woman in labor. Because of inexperience, young mothers make many mistakes. For example, instead of grasping the halo with your fingers, they press only on the nipple, which leads to cracks.

How to express breast milk by hand during stasis?

Every woman who gives birth must observe all the changes in her body, since ignoring can cause a lot of trouble later. Lactostasis is one of the frequent problems of parturient women . To avoid stagnation of milk, it is better to put a crumb to the breast more often, but if the kid can not eat everything, then you should get rid of overcrowding. The technique of expressing breast milk by hands with lactostasis does not significantly differ from the usual expression:

  1. Slightly massage and stroke those places where there are lumps.
  2. While expressing the second hand, stroke them lightly, pointing to the nipples.
  3. As soon as you feel relieved, the process must be completed.

How to express breastmilk by hand in a bottle?

Some mothers are compelled to leave their children. In such cases, feeding with expressed milk from the bottle comes to the rescue. For many women, this causes excitement and a lot of questions about this. Let's try to figure it all out.

Keep this unique product for about 6-8 hours at a temperature of 19-20 degrees. In the refrigerator - no more than 7 days. For freezing it will be better to purchase special disposable packages. So it can be saved for 3-4 months.

Preheat the milk as follows:

  1. If it is frozen, then it must be defrosted first in the refrigerator. Then leave it at room temperature for about an hour.
  2. After that, in a wide mug or other suitable dishes to collect hot water, but not boiling water.
  3. Put a bottle of milk in it, stirring occasionally.
  4. Pull out the milk bottle when it is heated to about 38 degrees.