Is it possible for a nursing mother to eggplant?

Women who have chosen breastfeeding as the basis for raising a child and caring for them, often deny themselves everything - even in the most delicious and non-dangerous foods. Answering the question whether it is possible for a nursing mother eggplants, or blue (as they are called in the people), it should be noted that this vegetable is very useful in that it contains a large amount of potassium. Potassium, in turn, is necessary for normal operation of the heart and all other muscle groups. They also contain phosphorus , magnesium, iron, copper , vitamins B and C.

Eggplant nursing moms are also useful in that they stimulate the work of the intestines, prevent the increase of cholesterol in the blood, and contribute to blood formation. Juice of fresh or boiled blue is an excellent bactericidal agent. So, for all this benefit, moms are simply obliged to eat this wonderful vegetable.

Is it possible to feed aubergines?

Responding positively to this question, it is necessary to emphasize that it is necessary to introduce them gradually into the diet. First, not immediately after the birth of a crumb. Secondly, some time after the recovery of the baby's chair. Then, when you try the product, you can observe the reaction of a small organism to mother's milk after eating it with blue.

When can you not eat eggplant when breastfeeding?

If after the mother ate eggplants and fed her baby's baby, the crumbs had unusual eruptions, a disorder of the stool or other unusual signs appeared, then blue should be excluded. But not forever. When unusual events pass, you can try to repeat the experiment, again preparing yourself something from this vegetable. If the reaction repeats, this product will have to be excluded, at least until the time when the baby stops eating mother's milk. If nothing unusual with the re-introduction of the product has occurred, then we can safely continue to explore the scope of the possibilities to expand the ration of the nursing mother and ensure its diversity. Just remember that sometimes the reaction to a product may not be instantaneous (up to 3 hours), but remote (up to several days).

As a rule, when a child turns 3 months old, a young mother can significantly expand her diet and eat everything she loves with little or no fear, in moderation. Enter new products separately from each other to be able to monitor the reaction to them from the child.