Prunes with breastfeeding

A woman who feeds her baby with breast milk has to limit herself to using many products. The fact is that all the biologically active substances of products that the mother eats, immediately fall into the breast milk. And the baby may have unexpected reactions in the form of an allergic rash or rhinitis, diathesis, liquid or, conversely, hard stool, the appearance of colic. And can a nursing mother, for example, prunes? How will its use affect the health and well-being of the baby?

Prunes: benefits and harm in breastfeeding

During pregnancy, useful substances were removed from the mother's body for growth and development. The same thing happens with breastfeeding, when vitamins get to the baby through milk. Thus, a woman has a shortage of vitamins and minerals for a long time. And besides the refined taste prunes are the owner of a rich vitamin composition. So, for example, the high content of vitamin C in this dried fruit is an excellent prevention of acute respiratory diseases. If the nursing mother is sick, a prune that has antibacterial properties will speed up recovery. The benefits of prunes are that thanks to vitamins A, B and PP, the condition of the skin and hair of the nursing mother improves.

However, the main value of prunes when breastfeeding - in the pectins and fiber contained in it. Thanks to it, the gastrointestinal tract normalizes. After natural childbirth, many women experience bowel motility disorder and they suffer from constipation. Just a few prunes will help to cope with this problem. The same effect has prunes for newborns. Due to imperfections in the gastrointestinal tract, babies not only suffer from colic, but often from constipation. Nursing mother, including in her daily diet a black dried fruit, will ease the condition of the baby and contribute to the relief of his defecation. You can just eat dried fruit, and you can cook puree, infusion or compote of prunes - the benefit in any case will be. Before consumption, pour the berries with boiling water for 5 minutes. To make infusion, 2 dried fruits are poured into a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, the infusion can be drunk. The compote is brewed at the rate of 2-3 berries per glass of water.

But with all the beneficial properties of prunes during lactation can harm both mother and child. Firstly, in spite of the fact that this dried fruit belongs to non-allergenic products, its use by a nursing mother can provoke the appearance of a rash on the face and body of a baby. After all, each organism is individual. Secondly, due to excessive use of prunes, breastfeeding can become a cause for the baby's stomach upset and lead to diarrhea.

Can I have prunes if I have extra pounds? Prunes are a fairly high-calorie product - 100 g of this product contains 231 kcal. Women who gained excess weight during pregnancy and lactation, it is better not to eat more than one prune.

How to avoid possible risks?

Before you start eating prunes, make sure you are buying a quality product. If prunes are fresh, there are a lot of useful properties in it. The "correct" dried fruit has a black skin, shiny. If you take the fruit in your hands, to the touch it should be elastic, but soft. Brown color indicates a violation of the technology of cooking prunes. Be sure to try the fruit. Rancid taste, as a rule, arises from a stale product.

To avoid unpleasant consequences for themselves and the baby in the form of diarrhea, the mother should be limited to 3-4 berries prunes. In order not to provoke a strong allergy in a baby, try only 1 dried fruit and watch the baby during the day. If the rash does not show up, feel free to smack 2-3 berries the next day.