Cutting in the eyes

The fairly common problem with the eyes is the appearance of rubbers. This unpleasant condition occurs with inflammation, eye injury, and can also indicate the flow of serious diseases in the body. If there is pain in the eyes, it is important to immediately make an appointment with a doctor to avoid reducing visual acuity.

The causes of erosion in the eyes

There are a large number of reasons that cause such complaints in patients:

  1. The inflammatory process occurring in the anterior parts of the eye (keratitis or conjunctivitis) is a common cause.
  2. Cutting in the eyes, tearing, photophobia is the result of damage to the tissues of the eyelids. These include uveitis or blepharitis.
  3. Unpleasant sensations appear due to the ingress of mote. You can cope with this trouble by washing your eyes.
  4. Dry eye syndrome also provokes the appearance of unpleasant sensations. It occurs due to changes in the properties of the tear film, which prevents drying. Negative on the condition of the eyes affects the wearing of lenses, reading, working on a computer, staying in a dry room. A man complains of pain in his eyes, as if there was sand, which becomes more pronounced by evening.
  5. Often inflammation occurs due to the activity of pathogenic organisms (cocci or chlamydia). At the same time, reduced immunity, constant stress and violation of personal hygiene rules at times increase the risk of infection.
  6. There are cases when the hair follicles of the eyelashes are affected by a parasitic tick. However, it should be noted that such a phenomenon does not affect the visual functions of the eyes. Just like influenza or colds are often accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and cutting, but does not affect the organs of vision in any way.
  7. In addition, the pain in the eyes occurs when infected with viral infections (herpes virus, measles, adenovirus infection).

Treatment of rubbing in the eyes

Priority in choosing a method of treatment should be given to determining the causes of the occurrence of such symptoms. Only after the discovery of factors and their elimination will it be possible to get rid of the feeling of discomfort. But no matter how harmless the cause of rezi, it is important to consult a doctor beforehand, because you can hurt yourself by incorrectly diagnosing yourself.

If the bacterial nature of the disease is established during the study, the doctor will prescribe drops from the rezi in the eyes with antimicrobial components. If the cause is a demodex mite, then you need to use medicines for the eyelids.

If the rezi in the eyes arose due to low humidity, then the first thing to do is take advantage of the drops. With inflammation of the conjunctiva take Lexin. To hydrate the mucous eye, doctors recommend:

You can also use the ointment:

It is applied to the conjunctival sac at bedtime.

If the cause of the resis was an allergy, the discomfort will help reduce the piece of wet tissue attached to the eyelids. Brewed tea bags also help a lot.

When you hit the sand in your eyes, you should pull the upper eyelid and turn the eye. If tears are not enough to cleanse, you can use saline or artificial tear. If after removal of the mote the discomfort remains, the cornea may have been damaged.

How to avoid rubbing in the eyes?

To prevent diseases of the visual organs, you need:

  1. Observe the rules of wearing lenses .
  2. Maintain normal humidity in the room.
  3. Avoid exposure to the eyes of tobacco smoke.
  4. Include saturated omega-3 acids.
  5. Protect eyes from wind and sunlight.