Soy Protein

At present, opinions on the account of soy protein are divided. Some believe that this is the most complex protein for assimilation, while others believe that soy protein is not inferior in quality and properties to other types - whey, egg or meat. It's time to sort out which of these opinions is most justified.

Soy Protein: Features

Soy protein has a relatively low value of biological value - 74 units. That's why many bodybuilders consider it not the best option. A high value of biological value is also important for immunity, for maintaining the proper level of nitrogen, and for feeding and maintaining muscles. Those. potentially this means a relatively lower anti-catabolic effect of soy protein.

This type of protein is contrasted with the most popular whey protein and its first substitute - egg protein. Their biological value is much higher.

Soy Protein: Harm and Negativity

Soy protein is not very popular due to the fact that it lacks sulfur-containing acid. It is this substance that is necessary for the proper synthesis of proteins and the maintenance of immunity at a high level. Because of its lack, it is possible to slow down the production of glutathione, the most important antioxidant. However, one can not call all this harm, it is rather a defect in the composition of soy protein.

But the real harm can cause the ability of soya to change the ratio of female and male hormones in the body. This can provoke weight gain and many other undesirable consequences.

Soy Protein: How to Take?

Due to the fact that soy protein inspires distrust, few people decide to take it in its purest form. However, it was found that it is soy protein that protects the heart of the athlete, which allows you to still leave it on the list of used sports nutrition .

Currently, the most popular is the scheme in which two parts of the whey are mixed with one part of the soy protein and the mixture is taken 2-3 times a day according to the usual pattern: in the morning, before and after training. In this case, you can still take casein (slow protein) at night to fix the effect.

Soy protein for weight loss for women

Many women often take different sports nutrition as a substitute for regular meals to create a calorie deficit. Of course, soy protein in this case is quite in demand, because it is relatively more affordable and allows you to lose weight without a lot of money.

One of the options for this weight loss is the refusal of supper in favor of a protein cocktail. In this case, it is necessary to observe the right diet:

  1. Breakfast - a couple of eggs, vegetable salad.
  2. Lunch - vegetables + meat, fish or birds or a serving of soup.
  3. Snack - a fruit or a dairy product (alternate).
  4. Dinner - a portion of a protein cocktail.

The best option in this case is to add evening sports training that will improve the effect. Alternatively, you can use a protein cocktail as a snack, and supper with cottage cheese or vegetables, but in this case there is a need to count calories. In order to quickly and effectively lose weight, it is worth sticking to the corridor of 1200-1300 calories. This will make it possible to achieve the goal as quickly as possible.

Instead of soy protein in a dedicated form, you can always take soy or beans in their natural state, i.e. as a regular dish, not a powdered cocktail. Do not forget to control the size of portions of food and give up high-calorie food - sweet, fatty and floury. This will allow you to quickly achieve results.