Fried eggs in a microwave oven

Scrambled eggs are the duty and favorite dish of all bachelors, because it's easier to think of nothing. But it turns out, you can! Many believe that eggs and microwave are things that are not compatible. Everyone knows how a raw egg with the help of this kitchen unit easily turns into a "weapon of mass destruction". But do not jump to conclusions. You can and must prepare an egg in a microwave oven! At least because it's so 2 times faster than the usual way. And most importantly - do not need to wash the frying pan with the fat.

And in order to make it easier at all, buy in the store special molds for fried eggs in the microwave. Fried eggs in them are perfectly delineated, and you can cook at all without oil. However, special dishes are not required at all. Any ceramic or glass, suitable for baking, is suitable.

How to cook a fried egg in a microwave oven?



In the form, melt the butter and lubricate the walls. We drive in the egg. Be sure not to explode during cooking, pierce in several places yolk. Solim, pepper and send the form to the microwave. Just a couple of minutes at a power of 600 watts, and the morning omelet is ready!

Fried eggs with lard in the microwave



We cut the fat into thin slices and lining the bottom of the mold. We send it for 2 minutes in a microwave oven with a power of 600 watts. Then we drive to the egg egg, not forgetting to pierce the yolk, and prepare another couple of minutes on the same regime.

Recipe for fried eggs in a microwave with ham and cheese



Cheese three on a large grater. Finely chop the greens. We cut the ham into small pieces and mix it with dill and half a portion of cheese. Spread the mixture in a greased form, and from above we drive the eggs. Gently pierce the yolks. Sprinkle the top with the remaining cheese and sprinkle with melted butter. We cook 2 minutes in a microwave at maximum power.

Also, you can quickly make a glaze in a multivark or steamer - in general, the choice is yours.