Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova for losing weight

Fighting overweight is familiar to almost all women. Someone is losing weight because of bad heredity, someone - after giving birth, but most - because of improper eating habits and love for harmful, high-calorie food. Apparently, due to the fact that there are too many problems with weight, now there is such an abundance of methods of losing weight. Among them, breathing exercises by the method of Strelnikova.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova for losing weight

Speaking of respiratory gymnastics Alexandra Strelnikova, we can not fail to mention that her author is a singer and teacher on vocals. She continued the work of her mother, who developed the exercises back in the war years of the last century. At one time, this technique cured Alexander of a serious illness and helped restore the lost voice.

In general, the paradoxical respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova was originally conceived as a method of fighting respiratory problems - asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc. However, Strelnikova's clients began to pay attention to the fact that breathing exercises cause them to lose weight quickly - but not because of some miracle, but because appetite normalizes. After this amazing discovery was made, respiratory gymnastics, A.N. Strelnikova was also considered an excellent way to lose weight. By the way, the author of the technique is proof of the effectiveness of the method, because even in 70 years she did not observe any diets and wore 46 sizes of clothes.

Complex of respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova: rules

If you really want to get the most effect from the technique of breathing exercises Strelnikova, you need to know and follow the following rules:

  1. The most important thing is the right breath. It should be as short, sharp, noisy, sound like cotton, as if you sniffed.
  2. Exhalation is carried out naturally and imperceptibly. You can not hold your breath.
  3. Observe a measured rhythm of breathing, start exercises on inspiration.
  4. Classes with respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova assume the fulfillment of special tasks, in each 4 approaches, and in each approach, 8 breaths. Rest between sets is no more than 5 seconds.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova: Exercises

Before starting the exercise, try breathing as described. Do you succeed? Then you can proceed to the exercises. Here are some of them:

  1. Exercise «Ladoshki» . Standing straight, arms bent at the elbows, palms facing forward. On inspiration with force, clench fists, imitating grasping movements. Take 8 breaths, rest for 5 seconds. Follow the four approaches. Train in front of the mirror: shoulders should be indifferent.
  2. Exercise "Pogonchiki" . Standing straight, hands at the level of the waist, the palms are clenched into a fist. On inspiration, push your hands down with force, unclench your fists. Shoulders can be strained, you can not lift it. Take 8 breaths, rest for 5 seconds. Follow the four approaches.
  3. Exercise "Pump" . Standing straight, the legs are already shoulder. The body slightly lean forward - the hands should be slightly above the knees. On inhaling, bend over, rounding your back. Straighten up with exhalation. Slopes should be weak. Take 8 breaths, rest for 5 seconds. Follow the four approaches.
  4. The Cat . Stand up straight, legs already shoulder. On inhaling, just sit down and turn aside, making grasping movements with your hands. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Do the same in the other direction. Take 8 breaths, rest for 5 seconds. Follow the four approaches. Squats should be sprung, feet are always on the floor.

By itself, gymnastics does not fix anything, it is important to immediately control your diet - for example, to switch to proper nutrition , giving up half-finished products, fatty, sweet, roasted.

Below you will see an example of such a respiratory complex.