Mashed Casserole

Sometimes it happens so (especially on holidays) that after the evening meal there is a mashed potato - from it you can cook a delicious casserole. Of course, for this you need to add some other components, for example, mushrooms or meat. Again, the meat can be used as raw, and already cooked, say, chicken. We also need a refractory mold (glass, ceramic, metal or silicone).

Casserole from mashed potatoes and chicken with mushrooms



The casserole can be cooked in one large form or in smaller portions (such as kokotnits).

Chicken fillet let's go through the meat grinder. Add spices and a little bit. Peeled onions shall be chopped finely, and mushrooms - a little larger. We will fry onions in a pan (in vegetable oil) until a light golden hue appears. Add minced meat and mushrooms. If the meat is already cooked, fry it is optional. Simmer all together on low heat for 20 minutes. Now mix onion, mushrooms and meat with mashed potatoes. Add the egg and a little shredded greens. Thoroughly mix. We rub the cheese on the grater.

Lubricate the form (or form) with butter and evenly spread the prepared mass. You can spread a form of oiled baking paper. Bake in an oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese and return to the preheated oven for another 5-8 minutes, let the cheese melt. We decorate the ready-made potato casserole with herbs, cut it straight in the form and carefully extract the portioned pieces and using the spatula.