Mini Toy Terrier - description of the breed

Miniature dogs are becoming more and more popular every year. This is understandable, because such a pet can be made even in a one-room apartment. Yes, and keep it much easier than a large dog. One of the most popular is the Toy Terrier.

Mini toy terrier - description

Start the description of the mini mini toy-terrier stands with a standard that prescribes the basic requirements for a particular breed of dogs. So: this very standard tells us that there is simply no such breed! There is a breed of that terrier, the height at the withers should be 20-28 cm, and the weight can reach 3 kg. Then where are the numerous ads about the sale of mini toy terriers? It's very simple: they are generated by the demand in the market, since the smallest representatives of this miniature breed traditionally enjoy a higher demand than the bigger dogs. The growth of such mini toy-terriers usually does not exceed 20-23 cm, and weight 1.5-1.8 kg. They can be short-haired or long-haired. Wool has no undercoat, so it is easy to take care of. It is enough to wash the dog 3-4 times a year, and the long-haired breed can sometimes be combed. Color brown or black, sometimes with tan. The muzzle is narrow and long.

The character of the mini-terrier

Despite the myths that these dogs are hysterical and fearful, these are real terriers, albeit tiny. They are good at training, they perform commands . Behave with dignity. Mini toy terriers are great lovers of running and playing, so they just adore walks, although they may not go out for a while. In this case, they can go to the toilet in the usual cat's tray. On a walk, the toy terriers are joyful and mobile, just do not let them run along with the big dogs, as they can hurt your baby. The same representatives of the breed, which all the time tremble and fall into a swoon, most likely not thoroughbred to-terriers or offspring from random mating.