Colognes cat nails

To force a cat to sharpen claws about a special surface it is possible not always. With claw straps, you no longer need to constantly monitor the animal.

Cat claws are easy and convenient

These caps are made of silicone or soft plastic. The principle of use is very simple: a small amount of medical glue is poured into the nozzle, then it is put on the nails of the animal. The cat can not scratch. Products can be of different sizes and colors. Anti-grime should be used for adults. For kittens up to six months they do not need anything, since claws are soft and successfully sewn off during games. Cats of an age do not need such control, they practically do not grind and rarely release claws, are not very active. On average, the baits are enough for one or two months, eventually claws grow back, and rubber pads on the claws fall off.

The device is absolutely simple to manufacture and use. The thickness varies within 1 mm, the widest part at the opening is 5-6 mm, the seal is provided on the tip. The size of the product for claws may differ. Size XS - for individuals up to six months with a weight of up to 2 kg. S is suitable for cats 2-4 kg, M - for pets 4-6 kg, the largest L - option for cats over 6 kg and breed Maine Coon .

If you have not used such caps before, the pet will not immediately get used to them. The first few days he will try to remove them. It is worth noting that if the cat and swallows the product, its health is out of danger, so the patch has a smooth surface, made from a non-toxic base.

Myths and reality about the lining of the cat's claws

In fact, the nozzles do not hurt the animal, but also do not make you feel as comfortable as possible. The shape of the nail is completely repeated, so when he decides to scratch, you and your furniture will be completely safe.

Some consumers argue that dressing anti-grinds is problematic. In fact, this is not so. The animal must be placed on its knees to itself, press on the pillow, try on the silicone pad on the claws, if it mounts well - apply glue, press it down for 5 seconds and fix the hood.

If the size is too big, cut the plastic. Extend the operational life of the products will help preliminary pruning claws by 1-2 mm. The glue comes complete with anti-scratch. Remember, it fills the inside only a third. Ten minutes is enough to completely dry out.

Claws help animals to stay on a slippery surface better, control the movements on corners, climb up. It's harder for a pet to scratch himself without an "open" claw. Despite the miniature antitrack, they still slightly change the gait, especially at the beginning. The cat can not really relax its claws and hide its claws. This can lead to a fracture in the case of a sloppy landing after the jump. The manufacturer claims that the kit (nozzle plus glue) is absolutely non-toxic to the animal. In rare cases, glue can cause an allergic reaction, so it's best to ensure that the cat does not swallow the cap. The downside is the fact that fat, which is released from the base of the nail, accumulates in a plastic product, decay and dermatitis may subsequently begin. Some anti-grates "sound" loud enough when the pet moves on the surface without carpet. This can cause some irritation in the owners of the animal.

Kogtetochka increases the chances of your furniture to remain intact, but does not guarantee an excellent result. Plastic lining is more reliable, but with them more trouble. Every couple of months you need to buy new ones, make sure they do not fly off. Practice shows that over time the animal will get used to the caps and grab them each time for a longer period in comparison with the previous one.