Aquarium fish comet

Moving, playful and bright comets are one of the forms of gold aquarium fish. They are distinguished by long ribbon-like tails, which are considered the main virtue of these creatures. Experts believe that the longer the tail, the more "generous" and more valuable the fish. Coloring a comet also matters, if the trunk and fins have different shades, then in the store it will cost more. Heroes of our article grow up to 18 cm and live long enough if you try to create good conditions in the aquarium, then your comets will live up to 14 years.

Contents of aquarium fish comet

  1. The size of the reservoir basically depends on the density of its population, but its volume should not be less than 50 liters.
  2. In addition, take care of the lid for the vessel, the "flying" comets are famous for the fact that they often jump out.
  3. The water temperature should be within 18 ° -23 °, it must be regularly filtered and replaced.
  4. If possible, it is better to keep a species of spacious aquarium with soil in the form of pebbles or coarse sand. Comets are lovers of digging, so you should choose a filler that is not easy to disperse.
  5. It is desirable to get plants here that are hardy and with a powerful root system, an aquarium egg, a sagittaria and an elodeya are suitable.

What is the color of comet fish?

The most widespread were red and orange fish with white and yellow impregnations on the trunk that dominate the market. But if you try, you can find a black aquarium fish a comet or creatures of the most amazing color, because the range of color in this species is quite wide. For example, the Chinese most appreciate the silvery and bright yellow creatures that have fire-red tail fins. By the way, the owners of comets should know that their color depends greatly, both on nutrition and on the illumination of the aquarium. Therefore, they should provide not only fresh food, but also equip a shaded area in the vessel.