Postpartum psychosis

One of the most difficult periods of your life, called "childbirth", was left behind. Now you are a happy mother.

But sometimes, especially during the first pregnancy, there may be problems with your psycho-emotional background due to complications after childbirth or at the time of the birth of the child. For example, when a woman is given a cesarean section, or a woman in childbirth loses a large amount of blood. Also play a role in the emergence of such a disease can play a heredity.

This emotional state is called "postpartum psychosis".

That is why pregnant women need quality psychological and physical preparation for childbirth to prevent disease.

Young mothers who are diagnosed with this condition should consult a good specialist for the course of treatment.

At first, you may not even notice the manifestation of symptoms of postpartum psychosis. Similarly, your relatives may not feel that this disease is an uneasy diagnosis. That is why it is important for close people to take seriously the psychological state of the young mother with all seriousness and treat this with understanding.

Postpartum psychosis - causes

Mothers who suffer from postnatal psychosis do not have any abnormalities during the gestation period. Those women who prior to conception had a severe premenstrual syndrome , are most susceptible to psychosis during the postnatal period.

Unfortunately, specialists can not determine the specific reasons for this state of the mother after the birth of the child. The main version of the scientists for today - these changes in the mental state are due to changes in the hormonal system of the female body.

The most vulnerable to the development of postpartum psychosis are women with psychiatric disorders in the past, as well as young mothers diagnosed with schizophrenia and those who have previously used drugs. But also psychosis can appear in absolutely healthy mothers who have experienced emotional stress after the birth of a child.

Symptoms of postpartum psychosis

The first symptoms of this disease can appear only a few days after delivery. If the woman's behavior becomes inadequate: the mother does not want to leave the house on the street, without a reason, feels a sense of fear for her child and does not allow anyone to approach him - it is necessary to sound the alarm.

A mother can feel a whole range of emotions and feelings for her child: she can always be near the baby, do not allow anyone from the family, but there can also be a backlash - for example, hatred of the baby, anger, absolute indifference. The same emotions she can have and to other relatives.

The cause for concern is also the lack of sleep in the mother, despite physical and emotional fatigue. May begin hallucinations, mainly - auditory. In addition, there may be delirium. The obsessive thoughts that her child wants to steal, kill, harm him do not leave the mother alone. For her actions the woman stops responding, strong manifestations of aggression, attempts at murder or suicide are possible.

Consequences and struggle against the disease

Consider methods to combat the consequences of postpartum psychosis. Of course, first of all, a young mother needs to turn to a psychiatrist as soon as possible. Affect the development of the disease can also the physical condition of women. Therefore, in order to quickly return to the usual life, it is necessary to start treatment of postpartum psychosis as soon as possible. It is necessary to isolate the mother from the child, if she began to behave inadequately - for this you can attract a grandmother or leave the baby with a nanny.

Especially at this moment for the mother emotional support of close people is important. You need to communicate with her, support, not let go of yourself, distract from negative thoughts and, of course, look after her, in order to avoid accidents. Do not leave her alone, especially with the baby. During this period, try to give her as much time as possible, then the process of recovery will accelerate.

It is important to know that most often the outcome of this disease is the recovery of the mother. To speed up this process, you need to correctly, and most importantly, at the right time take all the medications that the doctor appointed and continue the treatment until full recovery. A necessary condition for this is also a full-fledged dream, a good rest, as well as communication and support of close people. Remember - if you have an addition in the family, now you are thinking not only about yourself, but about the child.