Who is a cynic?

In modern society, many different terms and concepts are used, which many people perceive wrongly or remain completely unknown. In this case, we propose to understand who is a cynic and how a person becomes it.

Many people, encountering in life with different obstacles, build for themselves some barriers to which can be attributed and cynicism. Today, a cynic is a person who renounces moral and ethical norms, and he does not believe in the righteousness of people's thoughts. The cause of this rebellion can be, both a personal position, and a disappointment in social mechanisms. It is characterized by isolation, dissatisfaction and disappointment.

What does the cynic mean?

Cynics are considered realists, because they perceive events as they are without giving them a positive or negative color.

Main features:

  1. Since they are disappointed in life, they are characterized by rigidity and prudence.
  2. For people cynics everything around is a material, and irreplaceable things, as you know, does not exist, and this applies to people.
  3. To understand what the cynic means, it is also worth noting that such people have a well-formed worldview and their value system is different from the traditional form.
  4. Cynical people are sure that everything on earth has its price, and moral and spiritual qualities are invented by people to create a comfortable life.
  5. They do not hold back in their statements and are not afraid of appearing incorrect, so they often offend people, which ultimately leads to loneliness .
  6. The values ​​and characteristics of the cynic can also be attributed to his desire to achieve the desired by any, and even immoral ways.
  7. Such people are ironic and sarcastic.

Positive traits

Understanding who the person-cynic is, one can not but note the presence of positive qualities. First of all, it is worth noting his calmness, that is, he will not be upset because of failures, but he does not feel the excitement of positive events. To the positive features that are useful in the modern world, one can attribute the presence of cold calculation, that is, in work and other activities they are not disturbed by emotional experiences that distract from the basic idea.

How to become a cynic?

Many people who have experienced many disappointments, both in people and in life in general, are trying to protect themselves, and therefore they are striving to become cynics. There are several basic principles that are peculiar to such people:

  1. Be yourself and stop adapting to life circumstances. Cynics always do whatever they want, without taking into account what other people think. For them, it is I who is primary.
  2. Go to your goal no matter what. Cynics, without hesitation, step over the heads of other people, cunning, substitute others, in general, use all possible ways to get what they want. It's cold calculation and a well-designed plan for them that matter.
  3. Remember that cynics are realists, that is, emotions are alien to them, so forget about joy, regret, compassion, etc. Any events should be perceived as a reality.
  4. Do not be afraid to speak your opinion in person, and choose words so that no one is offended. Cynical people, knowing the weaknesses of a person, will certainly press on them to get a profit.
  5. Do a "cleaning" among the surrounding people, although many acquaintances will disappear from your life when you start using the rules of life of cynics. In addition, more of a cynic is a loner who can completely trust only himself.
  6. Do not deny yourself anything, because the most important thing is to have fun, and not depending on the wishes of other people.