Effect of alcohol on the brain

Alcohol - a strong toxin, causing serious structural changes in organs and tissues, disrupting the functioning of many body systems. The more a person consumes alcohol, the stronger is his harmful effect, but alcohol has a particularly strong effect on the brain.

Alcohol and brain

Alcohol and a healthy brain are two incompatible concepts. The effect of alcohol on nerve cells is terrible and irreversible. To learn how alcohol affects the brain, special studies were conducted. After studying the internal organs of alcoholics, scientists have found that alcohol kills brain cells, causes a decrease in its size, smoothing of the gyri, microscopic hemorrhages. And the degree of damage directly depends on the doses of alcohol and the duration of its constant use.

Such a strong influence of alcohol on brain cells is due to the fact that this body needs constant blood supply more than others. And since alcohol has the property of gluing together erythrocytes, these lumps of blood cells clog the tiny vessels of the brain and cause minor hemorrhages. Brain cells begin to feel oxygen starvation and mass die off. The death of brain cells from alcohol occurs even when very small doses are used, serious and frequent libations deprive a person of a very large number.

Effects of alcohol on the brain

As the cells of the cerebral cortex die mostly, the drinking person eventually loses memory, intellectual ability, the ability to make decisions and find answers even in fairly simple life situations. In addition, due to brain damage, moral and moral degradation occurs, coordination of movements is impaired, and the work of the hypophysis and hypothalamus, responsible for the production of hormones, is dulled. These processes can be stopped only by completely giving up alcohol.