Bad character

When parents disclose a number of not the most enviable traits of character in their children, they say: "Who was he born to?" When children with this cliche grow up, their environment begins to hang another label - a bad character. But if we believe that the world acquires colors only because we paint it in our mood, then can the character be bad or good?

It's possible to speak endlessly about what a nasty character is, for each of us has his own list of the most terrible traits that for him are reunited in a bad character.

But most often, people who possess this property are prone to outbursts of aggression, from any "analysis of concepts" pass to the tone of quarrel, scandal and scream. They can not be talked to, they are just scared - how to predict when the next explosion happens.

In psychology

Psychologists who understand this phenomenon, not only gave a definition of what it means bad character, but also revealed the cause of its occurrence. As it turned out the cliche "was born" is not accidental. True, the child is not born with a bad character, which is allegedly transmitted genetically by popular beliefs, but absorbs it in the process of growth and development.

So, children who were fortunate enough to be born in dysfunctional families, where parents constantly scandal, quarrel, understand relationships, and, in the end, diverge, will necessarily become owners of a bad character.

First, the reason is that in childhood, when the nervous system is actively developing, the child can not abstract from domestic quarrels. He takes them to heart, experiences and greatly drains his nerves.

In the future, such an exhausted nervous system will manifest itself in the incontinence, aggressiveness, conflict of the person.

Secondly, the children are trying to figure out who is to blame. And divorced (or not divorced) parents only exacerbate everything, setting up the child with stories "What your dad is evil and not good. You're not going to be that way when you grow up? " In the end, one of the parents in the eyes of the baby is the culprit, and the child has concealed a deep insult that will be his whole life complex for life.

And, thirdly, children in the neighborhood of friends behave like their "role models" - Parents. If parents scandal at home, the child will behave as unrestrainedly with friends and at school, and then in adulthood.

Often parents, not realizing their guilt, are racking their brains how to understand the nasty nature of a child. But in fact, this character would not manifest itself if it were not for their own efforts to find who is at fault in the house.

Fight with a bad character you can. You need to learn to relax, attend psycho-training, group classes, massage , to allow yourself pleasure, and thus becomes more supportive of other people.