Dark Circles under the Eyes - Causes

Women, trying to look attractive, often try to hide dark circles under the eyes - the causes of pathology are of little concern to them, until the characteristic signs of progressive diseases are felt. It is important to pay attention to this cosmetic defect in time to prevent possible complications of various diseases.

Why did the dark circles appear under your eyes?

If the described problem has arisen recently, you should think about the regime of the day and nutrition.

So, constant lack of sleep usually provokes dark circles under the eyes and other symptoms of central nervous system depletion. Due to the lack of a full eight-hour rest, blood circulation of the brain tissue and skin integuments is disrupted. As a result, the blood vessels become more visible, the epidermis becomes paler and thinner. Moreover, the renewal of skin cells in the female body occurs between 22 and 23 hours. If you do not go to bed at the specified time, the condition of the dermis worsens.

Dark blue circles under the eyes are typical for women, subject to constant stress, psycho-emotional overload. In addition to the pathology in question, there are signs such as insomnia, lack of appetite, irritability, depressive episodes.

Another reason for the appearance of a cyanotic shade of the skin under the eyes is fatigue after working at a computer or reading. It is necessary to do at least 10-minute breaks to eliminate the problem.

Other factors contributing to the emergence of circles:

  1. smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  2. improperly selected hygienic and decorative cosmetics, insufficient skin care around the eyes;
  3. compliance with too strict diets for weight loss or rapid weight loss, especially after 35 years;
  4. deficiency of foods in the diet that contain iron and copper;
  5. lack of fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  6. cooling (in winter and autumn the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases, which causes blood vessels to become visible);
  7. aging and sagging of the epidermis.

Very dark circles under the eyes

Many women experience not just a darkening of the skin around the eyes, but almost black circles. Usually this indicates more serious violations than the above-described factors.

Causes of pathology:

Sacks and dark circles under the eyes

Often, the appearance of bruises is accompanied by excessive swelling of the skin, swelling of the lower eyelid.

Most experts associate this phenomenon with the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. A similar condition is observed during pregnancy and, as a rule, quickly passes independently. In other cases, it makes sense to do ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder, to do an analysis of urine and blood. Usually, bags under the eyes, accompanied by dark circles, indicate the presence of sand, stones in the ureter, inflammatory processes (pyelonephritis, cystitis) or uric acid diathesis.