Solyanka from fresh cabbage

Solyanka is stewed cabbage with meat, sometimes mushrooms. Often it is added pickles. How to make a hodgepodge of fresh cabbage, read below.

Fresh cabbage soup with fresh cabbage



Wash white cabbage melenko shiny. Carrots cut with a thin straw or three, and the onion is minced a little. Now we pass it on olive oil, add carrots, spices and stew for about 7 minutes. Then add the cabbage, which must be salted and slightly suppressed with hands. Together with cabbage we languish for 7 more minutes. Now spread tomato paste (it can also be replaced with ketchup) and slowly cook the dish until ready.

Delicious hodgepodge of fresh cabbage



We cut the meat arbitrarily and fry it in a saucepan in hot oil, without forgetting to salt it and pepper it. Carrots and onions are cut into small cubes. Now they are fried until golden. We combine vegetables with meat and simmer them on low heat. Shredded cabbage strips are sent to the meat. Solim and mix everything well. Shredded garlic and diced tomatoes lightly fry, add tomato paste, sugar and pour broth. When the sauce begins to boil, we throw laurel leaves into it. We boil the minutes 3 and pour it into the cabbage. Now we can extinguish everything together until the liquid evaporates completely. Pay attention - the hodgepodge should be juicy, but at the same time it should not float in the liquid.

Preparation of fresh cabbage salad with potatoes



Shred cabbage and fry about 20 minutes. Pork is sliced ​​and fried for about 20 minutes. At this time, potatoes are cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then we send carrots to the meat, grated on a grater, onions, diced, and fry until half cooked. We put the tomato paste, potatoes and stew for about 10 minutes. Now we shift also the brawny cabbage. Pour the boiling water and cook for another 20 minutes. If you want the solyanka to come out more dense, then you need to pour less water. In the end, add ground black pepper, bay leaf, salt to taste and mix. We turn off the plate, cover the frying pan and give the hodgepodge to stand.

Vegetable salad from fresh cabbage



In kozanke in hot oil fry crushed carrots and onions. Then add the cucumber, cut into cubes and tomato paste. Now we add the main product of this dish - chopped cabbage. All together fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally. After the cabbage is cooked well enough, add the bay leaves, pour in the broth, cover with a lid, we reduce the fire and extinguish it for another half an hour until the cabbage is ready. At the very end, sprinkle a dish of chopped garlic - this will give a special flavor and piquancy. We'll still be about 3 minutes and turn off the fire.