Rare highlights

Rare melirovanie - a method of painting, in which only a few streaks are stained all over the head. They always have clear boundaries, and their width is selected individually. Rare thin melirovanie most suitable for those who want to use paint, the tone of which is similar to the natural shade of hair. But it is better to do wide strands if curls are painted in bright and unusual colors.

Features of rare highlights

A rare melioration can be performed on both dark and light hair. This kind of coloring will help to arrange the color accents. It affects only part of the hair. Thanks to this, the paint does not negatively affect the appearance of the curls, and if desired, you can easily return its original color. Rare melioration has other advantages. Such a coloring:

Rare melirovanie on blond, dark and red hair should be performed only by the master. It is practically impossible to make strands smooth and symmetrical. It takes a lot of time to perform this coloring. In addition, for a rare melioration, it is difficult to correctly select several matching shades, so it is better to do it using only one color.

What is best - frequent or rare?

Do you want to add a little extravagance to the image and make the image stylish? What kind of melioration is best done - frequent or rare? It all depends on the type and condition of your hair. Rare melirovanie suitable for those who have thick and large hair and wants to emphasize their color, making it deeper. And frequent melirovanie - the best choice for owners of thin and lifeless ringlets, as it will help create a visual effect of dense hair.