How to slow down the growth of hair after shaving?

In the hot season, women have to depilate almost every day, especially on vacation near the sea coast, otherwise the skin will quickly appear unaesthetic seta. Therefore, you should know several ways how to slow down the growth of hair after shaving. Their use will allow less frequent processing of problem areas, prevent irritation of the epidermis.

Creams that slow the active growth of hair after shaving

The simplest version of skin care is the application of professional means. As a rule, such cosmetic products further moisten cells and saturate them with nutrients.

Good creams to slow fast hair growth after shaving:

Home remedies that slow the growth of hair after shaving

If you want to use more natural cosmetics, it is better to make it yourself. The components of many plants effectively reduce the intensity of hair follicles, which allows you to make depilation less often.

Recipe for oil mixture for skin treatment


Preparation and use

Connect the components, shake them well. Using a cotton pad, apply the resulting oil mixture to the depilated zones every day.

Recipe for instant hair growth after shaving


Preparation and use

Immediately after depilation, mix these ingredients and gently rub into the skin until completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure every other day.

Popular recipes with iodine, tincture of nutshell and papain to apply undesirable. They not only color the epidermis in an orange-brown color, but also provoke its drying.