Pityriasis - causes of appearance

Solar fungus is a superficial non-inflammatory disease. The main reason for the appearance of pityriasis is the more common name of the disease - fungus. The disease affects only the horny layer of the skin. And it is called colored for the appearance of multicolored large spots on the epidermis.

Symptoms of pityriasis

The name "sun fungus" is not accidental. It is believed that people who live in warm countries with a sunny climate, it is much more common. And the signs of it in most cases appear precisely after direct contact with ultraviolet rays.

The main symptom of the disease - spots in the back, chest, shoulders, under the hair. The rash can be pink, yellowish, red or brownish and changes color over time. The size varies from a few millimeters to a couple - three centimeters. Their outlines are blurred, and if in time not to take appropriate measures, all the rashes can combine into one big spot. The skin in the affected areas is strongly flaky, but fortunately, neither itching nor burning - as it usually happens in fungal diseases - the patient does not feel at all.

The causes of the appearance of pityriasis in humans

As practice shows, most often pityriasis is diagnosed in young people. Men are more exposed to him. But women from multi-colored spots are also not fully protected.

The name of a pair of the main causes of the appearance of pityriasis in humans is Malassezia furfur and Pityrpsporum orbiculare. With a detailed study of the affected skin, these fungi are found. Under a microscope they look like thick, intricately curved threads.

Like all other pathogens, these can safely coexist with humans. They live long in the body, but do not have the ability to multiply - strong immunity suppresses their activity. But there are certain factors in which infection occurs nevertheless.

The main reasons for the appearance of pityriasis are as follows:

  1. More often than not, people with an individual genetic predisposition to the disease have to suffer.
  2. There is a high probability of getting infected in patients with endocrine diseases, obesity, diabetes , vegetoneurosis.
  3. The probable cause of pityriasis is the violation of physiological processes occurring in the stratum corneum of the epidermis. In the greatest danger - people with a fat type of skin.
  4. Strongly beat by immunity of infection. Often, lichen is found in patients with tuberculosis.
  5. Another possible cause of the appearance of a rugby multicolored lichen in humans is vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  6. Unfavorable on the overall health problems affect the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Among the factors that are favorable for the sun fungus, it is also customary to isolate pregnancy. Future mothers have a hormonal background. And sometimes it becomes a signal to pathogenic microorganisms for reproduction.
  8. Favorable conditions for the reproduction of fungi are created on the epidermis of people with increased sweating. Because of hyperhidrosis, the chemical composition of sweat changes, and microorganisms become too active.
  9. Among other things, the cause of the appearance of pityrious lichen in some cases become lesions of the broncho-pulmonary system: pneumonia , bronchitis, asthma - all diseases in both acute and chronic form.

In occasion of, whether is infected whether deprived, experts argue. But still there is reason to believe that the fungus can be picked up by personal contact with the patient, in public locker rooms, souls.