Seeds of dill - medicinal properties and contraindications

Many people had to see how the dill grows and blooms. These panicles on the tops of the branches look so funny. But it seems that there is no use from them. And here is a lie! In fact, the seeds of dill medicinal properties and contraindications are not less than juicy shoots. And they can be used to treat a variety of diseases.

The healing properties of fennel seeds

Surprisingly, in plain-looking seeds from those very panicles contains a large number of different useful substances:

Rich composition and allows the use of grains in medicine. They provide:

What helps the seeds of dill?

  1. Means prepared from grains are very effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal cycle. They help neutralize putrefactive processes and restore healthy microflora. In addition, the plant relieves spasms and relieves painful pains.
  2. Healing properties of fennel seeds normalize blood pressure. The drugs dilate the vessels and have a pronounced hypotensive effect.
  3. Decoctions and infusions recommend drinking with insomnia and severe stress. They soothe and favorably affect the state of the central nervous system.
  4. Some people recommend fennel grains to improve their appetite.
  5. This herbal remedy is effective when coughing. It dilutes sputum, thereby accelerating the process of its removal from the respiratory tract.
  6. Healing seeds of dill quickly and qualitatively remove from the body slags and toxins.
  7. The remedies have proven themselves in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Compresses and lotions with dill are recommended for dermatological diseases: scabies , ulcers, ulcers.

Treatment with fennel seeds

Decoctions and infusions are the most popular remedies that can be obtained from grains of dill. For the preparation of funds, both fresh and dried seeds perfectly match. To get the infusion, dill should be poured with boiling water and left for a while. As practice shows, if you first grind the seeds, the product will be more effective.

Broth from the seeds of dill cook a little more difficult. The basis of the medicine should be filled with water, put on a slow fire to boil for ten minutes. After that, the mixture is removed from the plate, it is insisted for half an hour and filtered.

If you do not have enough time for cooking, you can consume seeds and raw. The main thing - thoroughly crushed.

Contraindications to the use of fennel seeds

If you consider the grain as a curative, you must take into account the fact that he, like any medicine, has contraindications. Namely:

  1. Treatment with dill seeds is contraindicated in people with allergies or individual intolerance of individual components of the composition of the drug.
  2. Because the drug acts hypotensively, it is not recommended for patients with low blood pressure. Otherwise, the state of health will worsen, there may be fainting, loss of strength and sometimes even a visual impairment.
  3. With caution, you need to take medicines from the grains of people with any chronic diseases. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is advisable to consult a specialist beforehand.