Cinnamon with diabetes mellitus

People with type 2 diabetes need to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels (glucose), as well as monitor the caloric intake of the diet. Cinnamon perfectly copes with both tasks and is suitable for the complex treatment of diabetes, without disrupting metabolism and metabolism.

How to take cinnamon in diabetes?

This spice can be used for its intended purpose - add it to various dishes and pastries. True, it is worth remembering that flour products must be made with a minimum amount of sugar and, preferably, whole wheat or rye flour.

In addition, the use of cinnamon in diabetes mellitus is very effective in the composition of hot and cold drinks. Its taste qualities allow you to add spiciness to tea, coffee, compotes and even a nectar. It is not necessary to use ground cinnamon, you can simply drop the cinnamon stick into your favorite drink.

Purposeful treatment of cinnamon diabetes requires the preparation of special products and tinctures with the simultaneous use of medicines and diet.

Recipes with cinnamon in type 2 diabetes mellitus

  1. Honey-cinnamon tea . To get this delicious and healthy drink, you need to mix in a glass of standard volume one teaspoon of ground spice with two teaspoons of natural honey, preferably a liquid one. Then you should pour the mixture with hot water, but not with boiling water, as honey loses its useful qualities when heated to a temperature above 60 degrees Celsius. After the solution is infused for 30-35 minutes, it must be placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Cooking is recommended in the evening to drink half the glass of tea received in the morning, before breakfast, and the remaining half - just before bed. To improve the taste, the solution can be heated and added to it a little more honey.
  2. Black tea with cinnamon . In a small cup (not more than 150 ml) of not too strong black tea, you must put 0.25 teaspoons of cinnamon powder. Give the drink to stand for 5-8 minutes and drink. This means about 20 times accelerates the metabolism of sugar in the blood, not allowing it to exceed the allowable level.
  3. Cinnamon with yogurt from diabetes . This recipe allows you to prepare a very effective medicine that reduces appetite, regulates metabolism and reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood in the shortest possible time. It is necessary to grate or grind a small piece of ginger root in a blender. The resulting mass in an amount of half a teaspoon mixed with a similar amount of cinnamon powder, the ginger juice should not be squeezed. To the mixture should be added 1-2 g (at the tip of the knife) of ground red pepper, after which all the ingredients pour a glass of homemade kefir. The resulting drink should be drunk 1 time per day, preferably before meals. If it is unpleasant to taste or too sharp - you need to reduce the amount of red pepper to an acceptable taste. Cinnamon in this product is useful in type 2 diabetes due to the combination with ginger and yogurt.

These recipes contribute to the acceleration of metabolism , improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce appetite. In addition, daily intake of cinnamon reduces the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood by about 30 percent.

Contraindications to use

In addition to healing qualities for diabetics, cinnamon also has some contraindications. Among them: