Psychology of sexuality

Sexuality is a set of qualities that induce a sexual desire. Sexuality is the same animal instinct as the sexual act itself, because to prolong the genus, animals also attract each other with their usual maneuvers.

Sexuality is pheromones, the length of the skirt and the depth of the decollete, this is light unshaven and excessive insolence.

The psychology of sexuality is the most important component of this science, because it is from our sexual satisfaction that all other behavior depends. Representatives of both sexes day after day puzzle over the topic of male and female sexuality, although these concepts may manifest in the most unexpected way.

Sexy men

Male sexuality through the eyes of women can be very controversial: if someone "winds up" brazen and determined macho, then other ladies attract silent and shy men, because they are so mysterious.

Women are much more than men pay attention to appearance, and for them it is not so important how expensive the "outfit", first of all, they evaluate stylishly or not.

The beautiful half of humanity is not so mercenary and hypocritical, as they say about it. Yes, women are excited by male-paid bills with zero in the restaurant or expensive gifts, but only because it proves that this man is generous and ready to spend money on it.

Sexy women

As for women, the concepts of femininity and sexuality are always equated and impossible without each other. Women are genetically sexual, but the modern unisex in which we live, negates all of our natural charms. Therefore, the issue of the development of female sexuality looms with a sharp stake. And after all, women's sexuality is, above all, awareness of their natural beauty, posture , gait, gestures, everything that says and screams that you are a woman.