Grass cuff

Hormonal processes in the female body often need correction and regulation. It is for these purposes in folk medicine that grass cuff is used. But the benefit of this plant is not limited to endocrinology and gynecology, it is considered an effective remedy for many other diseases.

Therapeutic properties of cuff grass

Usually, the ground part of the plant (stems and leaves) is used to make medicines. This is due to the content of such substances in them:

Thanks to the unique combination of chemical components, the cuff allows to achieve the following effects:

It is also worth noting that the described herb is very useful for the digestive system, in particular, it helps to normalize outflow of bile, excrete uric acid. In some phytogens, a cuff is added to facilitate the dry cough, since the plant helps to loosen the expectorant mucus.

Application of cuff grass

The main area where product properties are used are gynecology, obstetrics. The plant is used against such diseases:

Moreover, the medicinal herb cuff is considered female, because with regular admission it allows not only to normalize hormonal processes in adolescence and adulthood, but also positively affects the condition of the skin and hair. Medicines based on plants relieve acne, keep the elasticity of the dermis, slow the aging process and the laying of wrinkles.

Other diseases that are treated with the treated herb:

The effectiveness of cuff grass for diabetes mellitus is proved: a decoction based on the leaves of the plant helps to control blood sugar level, normalizes the production of insulin. In addition, the drug normalizes metabolism and prevents weight fluctuations.


  1. Mix 40 g of blueberry leaves, 20 g of flax and juniper fruit with 10 g of cuff leaves.
  2. Shredded ingredients boil in a glass of water for 7 minutes.
  3. Strain, drink 100 g twice a day.

Contraindications of cuff grass

In fact, you can take medicine from this plant absolutely for everyone. The only reason for which the cuff is not recommended is the individual intolerance of this herb or an allergy to it.

The main thing is to remember the dosage of taking medications based on the product. Exceeding these portions leads to the most common side effect of cuff in the form of acute diarrhea. Her appearance signals that the use of herbs should be discontinued, after the chair is normalized, therapy can be continued.